
fù ɡuì bìnɡ
  • a rich man's disease
富贵病 [fù guì bìng]
  • [disease with which the patients need long-time rest and nourishing] 俗称需要长期休养和滋补调理的病

  1. 当政治家们前往联合国总部出席年度联合国大会(ungeneralassembly)时,他们应该花时间研究一下纽约市应对日益沉重、日益全球化的“富贵病”问题的努力。

    As politicians travel to the United Nations ' headquarters for the annual general assembly , they should take time to study new york'seffortsto tackle the growing and increasingly global burden of lifestyle diseases .

  2. 为富贵病提供保险,无疑将是中国保险业的下一个战场。

    That will doubtless be the next frontier for the Chinese insurance industry : underwriting the diseases of Chinese prosperity .

  3. 2005年,在大多数发达国家,只有五分之一的人死于富贵病(慢性病)。

    Overall in 2005 , only a fifth of deaths attributable to illnesses of affluence ( chronic conditions ) actually took place in the most affluent nations .

  4. 因为富贵病,鲍勃没有去做报童,他说他没有目标,没有工作。

    Back then Bob could have been " the poster child " for affluenza , he said he had no goals and couldn 't hold a job .

  5. 然而,富贵病和贫穷病的差异不仅是现实世界的误导,而且是政策方向的质疑。

    Yet the distinction between illnesses of affluence and illnesses of poverty is misleading as a description of the world and doubtful as a guide to policy .

  6. 鉴此,脑血辨证针对现代病、富贵病等,尤其是中医脑病、血病提出了新的辨证理论体系。

    Therefore , Nao-Xue differentiation puts forward new way of differentiation for contemporary illness , rich and honorable illness etc , especially cerebral illness and blood-illness of TCM .

  7. 为什么贫穷国家在富贵病面前如此脆弱?为什么公众注意力和救济基金忽略了慢性病而专注于传染病?

    Why are poor countries so vulnerable to the diseases of the rich ? And why does public attention and aid money ignore them and focus on infections ?

  8. 经济的发展,科学的进步把人们从繁重的体力劳动中解放出来,随之而来的“文明病”“富贵病”却又影响着人们的身体健康。

    The developing economics and advancing science , free the people from the hard physical labour , but the " civilized disease " and " rich disease " influence their health .

  9. 在国民收入水平和生活质量提高的同时,慢性病和富贵病成为影响甚或威胁国民健康的一项重要因素。

    With improve of the national revenue and quality of life , the chronic disease and an illness of affluence have become an important factor influencing National Health and even threaten National health .

  10. 随着人民群众生活水平逐渐提高,以前一直被视作“富贵病”的糖尿病,迅速转向“小康病”。

    The living standard improves gradually with the people , the glycuresis assuming " riches and honour falling ill " is always looked at previously , the prompt vergence " moderate prosperity falls ill " .

  11. 在旱情不断发展、水资源短缺、富贵病增加、全球饥饿问题越来越严重的的历史背景下,谷子的生产和消费逐渐有了新的发展。

    New development in the historical context of the continuous development of the drought , water shortages , diseases of affluence increased , more and more serious problem of global hunger of millet production and consumption gradually .