
fù yóu
  • rich oil
富油[fù yóu]
  1. 利用地震和测井信息预测和评价烃源岩&以渤海湾盆地富油凹陷为例

    Using seismic and log information to predict and evaluate hydrocarbon source rocks : An example from rich oil depressions in Bohai Bay

  2. 其中深沉降型基本都是富油洼陷,而逐渐抬升型则难以形成大规模的油气聚集。

    Generally , the deep settling type mostly belongs to the sags with rich oil , whereas the gradually rising type is difficult to form large-scale oil-gas accumulation .

  3. 富油/快速淬熄/贫油驻涡燃烧室低NOx排放

    Low NO_x emission of rich-burn , quick-mix , lean-burn trapped vortex combustor

  4. 计算和实验结果对比表明,该机理能合理描述火焰结构和传播速度,其中N化学对火焰传播速度没有影响,C2化学在富油时会提高传播速度。

    Comparisons between computations and experiments indicate that the mechanism can describe the structure and propagating speed of the flame reasonably , and N chemistry has no influence on flame propagating speed , while C 2 chemistry can increase it at rich fuel .

  5. 剩余资源量约为150×108t油气当量,主要分布在富油气凹陷中勘探程度较低的第三系深层、滩海和古生界等勘探领域。

    In the basin , residual hydrocarbon resource is chiefly situated in those domains such as the deep-seated beds of the Tertiary of rich hydrocarbon sags , the shallow sea and the Palaeozoic , which are less explored .

  6. 高温富油燃气超燃试验研究

    Investigation of supersonic combustion of hydrocarbon fuel riched hot gas

  7. 富油气坳陷深化勘探做法和体会

    Practice and Experience made in Deepening Exploration of Petroleum-rich Depression

  8. 高温富油燃气超声速燃烧数值模拟

    Oil of cardamom Numerical simulation on supersonic combustion of fuel-rich hot gas

  9. 冀中坳陷富油凹陷勘探现状及勘探思路

    New concept of exploration strategy for the oil-rich Jizhong Depression

  10. 富油国家的国库里积聚了大量盈余。

    Huge surpluses have accumulated in oil-rich states ' coffers .

  11. 飞机引擎富油现象的紫外图像特征分析

    Using UV image feature extraction technology to determine plane engine 's enrichment phenomenon

  12. 粗苯管式炉富油管道碳渣的清洗

    Cleaning of Carbon Sediment in Saturated Oil Tube of Crude Benzene Tubular Furnace

  13. 高温富油燃气作引导火焰的煤油超燃研究

    Investigation on supersonic combustion of kerosene using fuel-rich hot gas as pilot flame

  14. 富油流量仪表测压管路堵塞的解决办法

    A Solution to the Blockage in the Manometric Pipeline of the Oil-rich Flow Meter

  15. 粗苯管式炉后富油温度失控的原因分析及解决办法

    Reason analysis for rich-oil temperature losing control after benzol pipe stove and the resolution

  16. 局部富油供油扩展燃烧室贫油点火熄火边界研究

    A Study of Local Rich Fueling Design for Widening Combustor Lean Ignition and Blowout Limits

  17. 中国的大油田主要分布在富油气凹陷中;

    Most Chinese giant oilfields are distributed in the sags rich in oil and gas .

  18. 同时富油地区阿卜耶伊的归属问题一直悬而未决。

    In addition , the sovereignty of oil-rich Abyei has remained in dispute as well .

  19. 泌阳富油凹陷北部斜坡带浅层复杂断块群油气勘探

    Exploration in the shallow complex fault blocks of the north slope zone in Biyang depression

  20. 渤海湾盆地南堡富油气凹陷烃源岩的形成及其特征

    The generation and characteristics of source rocks in Nanpu oil-rich depression , bohai Bay Basin

  21. 富油国限制石油产量,而非欧佩克成员国则大幅度提高产量。

    Energy conservation in rich countries and the rise of non-OPEC production took off in earnest .

  22. 富油断陷盆地油气环状分布与惠民凹陷勘探方向

    Zonary distribution of hydrocarbon in oil enriched rifted basins and exploration direction in the Huimin Sag

  23. 富油气凹陷满凹含油论&内涵与意义

    The intension and signification of " Sag-wide Oil-Bearing Theory " in the Hydrocarbon-rich Depression with terrestrial origin

  24. 富油混合气会在燃烧的同时流出。大西洋富田国际油气公司

    The rich mixture , as it burns , streams out . Arco International Oil and Gas Company

  25. 发展了二维超燃流场的数值模拟计算程序,用来进行高温富油燃气超燃流场的数值计算。

    A numerical simulation code was developed for calculation of the 2 D flow field of supersonic combustion .

  26. 能源市场遭遇了一个夙敌:中东富油国家的战争。

    The energy market has met an old foe : a war in an oil-rich Middle Eastern country .

  27. 富油凹陷不同洼陷烃源岩的热演化及生烃特征差异性

    Diversity in the thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation of source socks in different sub-depressions of rich oil depression

  28. 富油微藻筛选及油脂组分与影响因素研究

    Selection of Rich Lipids-Microalgae and the Research on the Factors Affecting the Lipid Content and Lipid Composition of Microalgae

  29. 酒泉盆地青西凹陷和营尔凹陷是两个富油凹陷,具有较大的勘探潜力。

    Qingxi sag and Ying'er sag are the two oil-enriched sags in Jiuquan basin with large potentials for exploration .

  30. 在很多富油三角洲地区,现在已经很难区分政客,歹徒和叛军了。

    In much of the delta it has now become difficult to distinguish between politicians , gangsters and insurgents .