
  1. 沈阳市富民桥引桥为跨径30m预应力混凝土连续刚构,主梁采用大悬臂斜腹板箱形断面,单箱三室等高度箱梁,桥墩采用双壁墩,桥台采用肋板式桥台。

    The approach spans of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang are composed of 30-m span pre-stressed concrete continuous rigid-frame structures , of which the main girder is designed as triple cells single box section of constant height , and of long cantilever and inclined webs .

  2. 沈阳市富民桥主塔应力状态研究

    Study of Stress Conditions of Pylons of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  3. 沈阳市富民桥斜塔施工新技术

    New Construction Techniques for Kinked Pylons of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  4. 沈阳市富民桥斜拉索长度计算方法

    Calculation Methods of Stay Cable Length of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  5. 沈阳市富民桥塔柱横桥向压弯稳定分析

    Analysis of Lateral Buckling Stability of Pylons of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  6. 天津富民桥主缆设计与计算

    Design and Calculation of Main Cable of Fumin Bridge in Tianjin City

  7. 沈阳市富民桥边跨及中跨合龙施工技术

    Closure Construction Techniques for Side and Main Spans of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  8. 富民桥主梁0号块混凝土冬季施工

    Concrete Construction for Main Girder Segment No.0 of Fumin Bridge in Winter Season

  9. 沈阳市富民桥主梁活动支架法施工

    Construction of Main Girder of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang with Movable Scaffolding Method

  10. 沈阳市富民桥施工监控

    Construction Monitoring and Control of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  11. 三角高程法测量在富民桥中的应用与精度分析

    Application and Precision Analysis of Triangular Height Survey for Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  12. 沈阳市富民桥主梁局部应力的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Local Stress in Main Girder of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  13. 天津富民桥加劲梁设计

    Stiffening Girder Design of Tianjin Fumin Haihe Bridge

  14. 沈阳市富民桥5号主塔墩特大吨位球形支座安装技术

    Installation of Very Large-Tonnage Spherical Bearings on Pylon Pier No.5 of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  15. 沈阳市富民桥索塔锚固区足尺节段模型试验研究

    Full-Scale Model Test and Study of Stay Cable Anchorage Zones in Pylons of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang

  16. 沈阳市富民桥&双折线塔斜拉桥设计

    Twin Pagoda Temple On Design of Shenyang Fumin Bridge - A Cable-Stayed Bridge with Double Broken Line Pylon

  17. 天津富民桥主桥为单塔空间索面自锚式悬索桥,主缆在主跨采用三维曲线线形,吊索在横桥方向为倾斜布置。

    The main bridge of Fumin Bridge in Tianjin is a single tower and spatial cable plane self-anchored suspension bridge .

  18. 重点介绍富民桥主桥主梁的设计要点、结构分析计算方法及其主要施工方案等内容。

    In this ( paper ,) the design ( highlights ,) structural analysis , calculation method and construction schemes are mainly dealt with .

  19. 介绍富民桥斜拉索的挂设方法和施工中的牵引索力的计算。

    In this paper , the method for installation of the stay cables and calculations of the hauling cable forces during construction are presented .

  20. 沈阳市富民桥主桥为折线形双塔独柱式单索面预应力混凝土斜拉桥。

    The main bridge of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang is a prestressed concrete cable-stayed bridge with double kinked column pylons and single cable plane .

  21. 在天津富民桥钢桥面环氧沥青混凝土铺装层施工中,首次采用了国产多组分环氧沥青。

    In the construction of epoxy asphalt concrete pavement for the steel bridge deck of Fumin Bridge in Tianjin , the domestic multicomponent epoxy asphalt was used for bridge works for the first time .

  22. 本文针对天津富民桥独塔空间缆索自锚式悬索桥结构存在的受力复杂、主要节点设计难度大和施工流程等问题,进行了设计研究和施工控制研究。

    Based on the single pylon self anchored suspension bridge with spacial cables ( fumin bridge , tianjin ) characterized with structural complexity , details difficulty and reasonable construction method , this paper make an intensive study on design and construction control .

  23. 以天津富民桥为例,根据空间索面自锚式悬索桥的主缆受力特点进行计算和分析,验证和分析了计算方法的可靠性。

    According to the mechanical characters of the main cable of self-anchored suspension bridge with spatial cables , the calculation and analysis are carried out and the reliability of the calculation and analysis method is verified by the Fumin Bridge in Tianjin City .

  24. 沈阳市富民斜拉桥边跨合拢段施工

    Construction of Shengyang Fumin Diagonal Cable Bridge Cross Close-up Section

  25. 沈阳市富民斜拉桥主塔墩承台沉井施工

    The Sunk Shaft Attached to the Bearing Platform Construction of the Shenyang Fumin Diagonal Cable Bridge Host Tower Pillar

  26. 针对富民斜拉桥单索面、折线塔的特点,通过运用能量法对成桥后塔柱的横向稳定问题进行分析,认为能量法是分析稳定问题的一种较为实用的方法。

    According to Fumin Cable-stayed bridge characteristics , single-cable plane and broken line tower , this paper analysed the lateral stability of tower pile by energy method , and considered that energy method is a practical one to analyse stability .