
  • 网络Safety economics
  1. 民用航空安全经济学应用研究

    Application Research of Safety Economics on Civil Aviation

  2. 民航安全经济学研究的基本架构和意义

    Basic Framework and Significance on Aviation Safety Economics

  3. J市农民为什么不愿做市民&城郊农民的安全经济学

    Why Farmers in J City Refuse to Be Citizens : Security economics of suburban farmers

  4. 安全经济学:农民工市民化行为的文化逻辑

    Security Economics : The Cultural Logic of Action in Migrant Workers ' Urbanization

  5. 本文试提出发展安全经济学应遵循的三个基本原理。

    Three basic principles based on necessarily for developing Safety Economics are discussed in this paper .

  6. 关于安全经济学的探讨

    A study of safety economics

  7. 从安全经济学的观点出发,阐述了安全投资的本质属性。

    The essence property of safety investment was set forth from the economics standpoint in this paper .

  8. 本论文采用安全经济学基本原理,具体研究了建筑工程安全的投入、产出和效益。

    Based on the theory of safety economics , this paper studies on safety inputs , safety outputs and safety benefits in construction projects .

  9. 本文从安全经济学安全投入的视角探求我国现阶段矿难频发的原因。

    This paper exploits the causes of frequent occurrence of coalmine accidents in China today from the viewpoints of safety inputs of safety economics .

  10. 从安全经济学的角度,分析了花炮产业安全经济的内涵,即在有限的安全投入下,最大限度地发挥安全投资的作用。

    From the angle of security economic , the article concludes the meaning of fireworks industry safety economy , that is to exert the function of security investment farthest under the limited investment .

  11. 用到的理论主要涉及安全经济学、安全与风险学、以及博弈论的有关知识,采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法。

    The theory used involves the safe economics , knowledge related to the risk is studied , and game theory , adopting the research approach to determine the nature and combine together with the ration .

  12. 深入研究安全经济学的基本问题,完善安全经济学的科学体系,对于解决安全生产面临的严峻的安全问题和构建和谐社会,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    It is very significative from both theory and realism for solving the serious security problems in the production and building harmonious society to study the basical problems on security economic and consummate the scientific system of security economic .

  13. 基于安全经济学的基本原理,通过对不同行业的自动安全水平和法定安全水平之间的关系的分析,论述了不同行业安全产品的需求特性,以及与此相适应的安全产品供给特性;

    Based on the principle of safety economics , this paper presents an analysis on the automatic safety level and the legal safety level in different industries , and discusses the characteristics of different demands between industries as well as the corresponding supply characteristics of safety products .

  14. 加强职业安全卫生经济学研究

    Strengthen the study on Health Economics of occupational safety

  15. 我国粮食安全的经济学分析:政府行为与政策选择

    An Economic Analysis of Grain Security in China : Government Behavior and Policy Alternatives

  16. 建筑安全的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis of the Building Safety

  17. 另检索14个药物安全性和经济学研究数据库。

    Fourteen databases for drug safety and pharmaceutical economics were additionally searched .

  18. 建筑业安全问题的经济学分析

    The economics analysis of safety issue in construction industry

  19. 主要包括食品安全监管的经济学理论、社会学理论和法学理论。

    Most food safety monitoring of economic theory , sociological theory and legal theory .

  20. 食品质量安全问题的经济学思考

    An economic view on food safety problems

  21. 资源安全机理及其经济学解释

    Mechanism and economic definition of resources security

  22. 以功效性、安全性和经济学指标作为因变量,以患者其他相关因素作为自变量,进行两组间比较和分析。

    Comparison and analysis were conducted in two groups with effect , safety and economic parameters as dependent variables and the other related factors of patients as independent variables .

  23. 本文将从国防安全战略、经济学视角、比较法学、法理学角度对归属制度的理论构建进行分析,并结合实际中存在的问题提出相关的改进建议。

    This article analysis the system of the attribution of national defense patent building , combined with the actual problems that exist in forward proposals to improve , from the national security strategy , economics perspective , Comparative Law and Jurisprudence perspective .

  24. 城镇社区安全管理模式的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Community Security Management Model in Cities and Towns

  25. 中国的能源安全:国际政治经济学的视角

    China 's Energy Security : an IPE Perspective

  26. 本文运用外部性、信息不对称等经济学理论,采用宏观与微观相结合、博弈分析等方法,对食品安全规制进行了经济学分析,并试图完善中国的食品安全规制体制和体系。

    The article uses the combine method of macroscopic and microcosmic ; game theory to analyses the regulation of food safety and tries to perfect the system of food safety in China .

  27. 本论文通过安全投入的概念、构成分析,结合安全经济学理论,从煤矿长期安全发展角度,提出煤矿安全投入的概念,将其划分为6部分,并建立煤矿安全投入模型。

    The concept bases on safety economics and safety input composition . It can be divided into six parts . Meanwhile , a mine safety input model is also established in the paper .

  28. [目的]评价毫火针配合温和灸及口服加巴喷丁缓解带状疱疹后神经痛的临床疗效和安全性,并探索其操作规范、治疗流程、安全性及卫生经济学价值。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of the milli-fire needle acupuncture and moxibustion and gabapentin of relieving postherpeticneuralgia ( PHN ), and to explore the two methods ' standard operation procedur-e , treatment processes , security and health economics value .

  29. 同时,系统的学习有关安全的原理,如安全系统论原理,安全控制论原理,安全信息论原理,安全经济学原理,安全协调学原理,事故预防原理。

    Meanwhile , systematic study , about the safety principle , for instance , the safety system theory , safety cybernetics principle , safety information theory , safety economics principle , safety harmony principle , the accident prevents principle .

  30. 首先,对食品安全和食品安全规制进行定义;其次,从公共物品、外部性、信息不对称等方面分别对食品安全规制进行经济学分析,得出食品安全规制的必要性。

    First to food safety and food safety regulation on definition , second from public goods , externalities , asymmetric information aspects respectively on food safety regulation on economic analysis , it is concluded that the necessity of food safety regulation .