- in the world

(1) [land under heaven] 即天下
包举宇内。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》
(2) 又
寓形宇内。--晋. 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》
The emperor of Qin quenched numerous uprisings and unified the whole of china .
WLAN Construction Scheme In Buildings And its Analysis of High Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation
User of the high-rise building shall comply with these provisions .
The requirements serve to provide sufficient time for occupants to evacuate the premises .
No , but I 'm not the world 's only consulting detective . True .
Jamieson , Fausset , Brown The combination of myrrh and frankincense found in the Temple represents the bittersweet nature of repentance .
And for the time being , I am still in a commercial building where my office is located until I move to a permanent site .
The Engineering of distribute System indoor in mobile communication is an important part of the mobile network optimization , for it can increase the quality of conversation .
Detain any person found in any premises which he is empowered or authorized by or under this Ordinance to search until such place has been so searched ;
As a complement of outdoor base stations , indoor coverage system is a good solution to the problems of premises wireless network coverage , its capacity and quality .
Installs , commissions , tests and services all types of gas appliances together with their associated equipment , piping and gas supplies in domestic , commercial and industrial premises .
The tracked robot was validated that it has the excellent adaptable ability in complex terrain and has easy and simple reconfigurable performance when it executed recon in the building interior simulating the real task .
By use of intelligent building construction technology , modern communications technology and computer technology , intelligent building realize the real-time monitoring of environment , intelligent control of equipments in building , and provide users with information services .
Building management is mainly based on the refinement of management building , building unit and assigned to units , to provide office , unit and settled in the unit information query , input , updating and maintenance operation .
In intelligent buildings , the monitoring system is the important component of building intelligent monitoring and has a main function of comprehensively monitoring and managing various electromechanical facilities in the building so as to keep the facilities safely , reliably and economically operating with energy saving .
Lin Liang 's success not only brought fame to the Guangdong art which had remained silent for years by then , but also decided the birth of a new style of freehand ink paintings regulated with strict rules in the history of Chinese bird and flower paintings .