
  1. 孙海平此前曾说刘翔有可能参加柏林的比赛。

    Sun previously said that Liu might be able to compete in Berlin .

  2. 孙海平确信他的训练是有规律的。

    Sun Haiping is that he rains regularly .

  3. 刘翔的教练孙海平也获得了最佳教练的称号。

    Liu Xiang 's coach , Sun Haiping , also scooped the best coach award .

  4. 他的教练孙海平称,刘翔本赛季是不太可能再参加比赛了,但是他对刘翔今年的成绩很满意。

    His coach Sun Haipin says Liu is unlikely to race again this season but he is satisfied with Liu 's performance this year .

  5. 孙海平说,刘翔可能重新达到身体最佳状况,怀疑但是这位25岁的运动员是否能恢复以前心理状态。

    The coach , Sun Haiping , said Liu might regain his peak physical fitness , but questioned whether the25-year-old athlete could recover his mental resilience .

  6. 据了解,刘翔和孙海平将于27日返回上海,下一阶段的重点是治疗伤病。

    It is reported that Liu Xiang and Sun Haiping will return to Shanghai on27th , the next phase will focus on the treatment of injury .

  7. 他的随身教练孙海平告诉记者说“他已经尽力了”但很明显不能再继续比赛。

    His distraught coach , Sun Haiping , told journalists that the athlete had been " fighting and fighting until the last moment " but ultimately could not run .

  8. 刘翔的教练孙海平说新的世界纪录并不会对刘翔的准备有太大的影响,取而代之的是会对运动员产生更大的动力。

    Liu 's coach Sun Haiping said the new world mark would not have a big impact on Liu 's preparations but would instead add motivation for the athlete .

  9. 在刘翔退出比赛后的新闻发布会上,刘翔的教练孙海平潸然泪下(刘翔出生于上海,孙海平从刘翔儿时就开始了指导,直到现在)。

    At a press conference shortly after Liu pulled out , Liu 's coach Sun Haiping , who has mentored the Shanghai-born athlete since he was a child , dissolved into tears .

  10. 刘翔和他的教练孙海平今天都守候在电视机前观看闭幕式,他们对中国代表团取得的成绩感到振奋。

    Liu Xiang and his coach Sun Haiping are waiting in the front of the television to watch the closing ceremony , they are excited about the achievements gained by Chinese delegation .

  11. 当得知刘翔因伤退赛的消息后,他在电话中向刘翔与教练孙海平表达了深切关心和鼓励。

    He expressed warm regards and encouragement to Liu and his coach Sun Haiping in the telegraph , which he sent soon after learning the news of Liu 's withdrawal at the National Stadium .

  12. 孙海平一边擦拭泪水,一边讲述刘翔受伤的腿筋和跟腱造成的巨大伤痛,他还讲述了医护人员精心按摩以求治愈他的伤病。

    Dabbing his eyes with a tissue , he described how Liu 's hamstring and Achilles tendon had caused excruciating pain , and how sports hospital staff had tried intensive massage to heal the injuries .

  13. 据《中国日报》的报导,孙海平说,参加8月份的世锦赛对刘翔来说有些操之过急,因此参加9月或10月的赛事是更好的选择。

    ' Attending the World Championships in August is too rushed for him , so attending the competition in September or October is a better choice , 'Sun said , according to the China Daily .

  14. 中国跨栏组领队李国雄说,他将与刘翔和他的教练孙海平商量是否将医院告上法庭,扬子晚报今天报道。

    Li Guoxiong , head of the Chinese hurdle team , said he will discuss with Liu and his coach Sun Haiping whether to bring the hospital to court , the Yangtze Evening News reported today .