
zǐ chéng xù
  • subroutine;subprogram;functional element program
子程序[zǐ chéng xù]
  1. Controller子程序也包含同客户端软件交互的用户接口。

    The Controller subprogram also contains the user interface to interact with the client software .

  2. 如果无法保存子程序名,则检查DIE是否可用,并重新执行相关操作。

    If you cannot store the subprogram name then start over by checking if DIE is available .

  3. 用BASIC子程序绘制机械零件图新探

    New Exploration on Drawing of Machine Parts by Using the Subroutine in BASIC Program

  4. BASIC与汇编子程序的接口

    Interface between basic and assembly subroutines

  5. 调用C子程序的汇编源程序简化格式

    A Simplified Form of ASM Program Calling C Module

  6. 给出了系统设计流程图和部分模块的C语言编程的子程序。

    Providing a modular system design flow and the driving part of the software .

  7. ApplicationDiagram视图中的放大特性显示了其源成员中的子程序和子过程。

    A zoom feature in the Application Diagram view shows subroutines and subprocedures within their source members .

  8. 本文绘出了一种通过上机调试总结出来的能调用C子程序的8086汇编源程序的简化格式。

    A simplified form of 8086 ASM program calling C module is presented in this paper .

  9. 下位机软件运行在DOS操作系统下,用C语言开发,包括主程序、定时中断子程序和封装的函数库。

    The software for client runs under DOS operation system and is developed with C language .

  10. 在C语言子程序中由于使用了全局变量,或是使用了静态变量,或是使用了指针参数,从而产生副作用。

    The side effect of the subprogram is produced by using public variable , or static variable , or pointer parameter in C Program .

  11. ADAMS用户子程序在软着陆动力学仿真中的应用

    Application of ADAMS User-Written Subroutine to Simulation of Soft-landing Dynamics

  12. 系统软件采用C语言与汇编语言混合编程的方式,其核心子程序采用汇编语言编写,提高了系统程序的执行速度。

    System software is made with C and Assembler . For the core subroutine is made with Assembler , the system software execute more speedily .

  13. 子程序主要包括A/D采样中断子程序、换相中断子程序和PID控制器的设计。

    The subprogram was composed of ADC interrupt subroutines , commutation interrupt routines and the design of PID controller .

  14. SIEMENS数控系统摆线凸轮加工子程序的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Subprogram of SIEMENS CNC System for Cycloidal Cam

  15. MSCADAMS用户自定义子程序在卫星姿控系统仿真分析中的应用

    Application of MSC Adams User Subroutine in Satellite Attitude Control System Simulation Analysis

  16. 本项研究主要利用C语言设计本实验样机的软件,包括主控制程序、心电监视中断子程序和除颤中断子程序等。

    We design the software of the device with C language . It includes main program , ECG monitor interrupt subroutine , defibrillating interrupt subroutine , et al .

  17. 软件采用汇编语言及C语言编写,给出了系统主程序及各子程序的流程图。

    The control software is being programmed with C and assembly language . And then , the flow charts of main program and each interrupt program are given .

  18. 子程序为FACT,采用递归实现,结果放在REL存储单元中

    Subroutine for the FACT , using recursion , the results on the REL storage unit

  19. 水文相关分析中一个实用FORTRAN图形子程序

    A Practical FORTRAN Graph Subprogram in Hydrologic Correlation Analysis

  20. 分布式Ada远程子程序调用及实现

    Introduction and Implementation of Remote Subprogram Call in Distributed Ada

  21. 软件部分采用模块化的设计方法,包括时钟设置子程序、LCD初始化子程序、AD采集初始化子程序、脉冲信号发生模块等。

    It includes the clock setting routines , LCD initialization routine , AD collection initialization routine , and pulse signal module .

  22. 镍基单晶合金涡轮叶片蠕变分析的MARC用户子程序开发

    Development of MARC User Subroutine for Creep Analysis of Nickel-based Single Crystal Blade

  23. 本文将求解三维编织复合材料弹性模量的用户程序与MARC(材料特性定义入口)进行链接,从而实现MARC的用户子程序开发。

    Defining material properties in which is to link User Subroutine with MARC .

  24. 利用ANSYS的二次开发功能,将归一化的土体模型作为用户子程序输入。

    Make use of the secondary development function of ANSYS , the normalized soil model simulated as a sub - program input .

  25. 介绍了系统PLC主控制器I/O端口设计,系统硬件组成和系统软件中主程序及自动加工子程序设计;

    The I / O design of PLC controller , the hardware configuration and the main routine and auto-machining subroutine of software program are presented .

  26. 为MARC其他用户子程序的开发研究奠定了基础。

    Thus , it provides the way to developing other User Subroutine of MARC .

  27. 通过Matlab与Fortran的接口,实现控制子程序与发动机仿真主程序的数据交互。

    And the data alternation between control subprogramme and main routine was achieved through the interface of Matlab and Fortran .

  28. 软件设计部分包括相关算法,FIR滤波器,AD,DA子程序,幅度,相位的计算。

    This software design includes relevant algorithm , FIR filters , AD subroutines , DA subroutines and computation of amplitude and phase .

  29. Marc软件的联合建模.Marc软件的计算环境和用户子程序接口,本文对热权函数法在MSC。

    Marc was studied , combining with the computation environment and user subroutines in MSC .

  30. Java程序由类来形成结构,COBOL程序有不同的“区段”,C程序有一个主程序以及多个子程序。

    Java programs are structured with classes , COBOL programs have various " divisions ," and C programs have a main program with subroutines .