
bì nǚ
  • maidservant;servant-girl;slave girl
婢女 [bì nǚ]
  • [slave girl] 旧时供有钱人家役使的女孩子

婢女[bì nǚ]
  1. 她看见箱子在芦荻中,就打发一个婢女拿来。

    She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to get it .

  2. 上帝的婢女基督的新娘&《修女》形象的女性解读及思考

    Slave Girl of God and Bride of Christ & Femininst Interpretation and Thinking of the Image of " Nuns "

  3. 一些机智色雷斯婢女据说是在Thales公司的费用是一个笑话-在他急于知道什么地方在天空的,他是在他面前的东西不知道,在他的脚下。

    Some witty Thracian servant girl is said to have made a joke at Thales'expense & that in his eagerness to know what went on in the sky he was unaware of the things in front of him and at his feet .

  4. 16至18世纪中国婢女现象论析

    An Analysis of the Servant Women Phenomenon in 16th-18th Century China

  5. 于是两个婢女和她们的孩子就走近前来下拜。

    Then the maidservants and their children approached and bowed down .

  6. 女神赫拉是出席由她的婢女虹膜。

    The goddess Hera is attended by her handmaiden Iris .

  7. 民国时期厦门地区的中国婢女救拔团

    Chinese Maidservant Saving Team in Xiamen of Republican China

  8. 她的婢女跑下去打开了通往花园的一扇小门。

    Her slave-girl ran down and opened a little door into the gardens .

  9. 在中世纪爱尔兰的早期法律中,债务是以婢女的数量计价的。

    In the Brehon laws of mediaeval Ireland , debts were denominated in bondmaids .

  10. 不然的话,我将到死都是你的婢女;

    If not , I 'll die your maid : to be your fellow .

  11. 耶和华赐福与我主的时候,求你记念婢女。

    And when the Lord has brought my master success , remember your servant .

  12. 创29:24拉班又将婢女悉帕给女儿利亚作使女。

    Laban also gave his maid Zilpah to his daughter Leah as a maid .

  13. adj.悲惨的,痛苦的婢女过着悲惨的生活。

    miserable The handmaid led a miserable life .

  14. 丑恶的女子出嫁;婢女接续主母。

    An unloved woman who is married , and a maidservant who displaces her mistress .

  15. 拉班又将婢女辟拉给女儿拉结作使女。

    And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid .

  16. 遂将孩子分别交与肋阿、黑耳和两个婢女。

    He divided the children between Leah , Rachel , and to the two handmaids .

  17. 你待婢女也要这样。

    Do the same for your maidservant .

  18. 力求对戏曲作品中婢女形象的解读有新的突破。

    Sought the maid works for opera interpretation of the image of a new breakthrough .

  19. 他说,我是。妇人说,请你听婢女的话。

    And she said to him , Listen to the words of your female servant .

  20. 我的婢女会把你们带出去的。

    My handmaiden will let us out .

  21. 其姐妹会为圣神婢女会。

    Society of the divine word .

  22. 求你容婢女向你进言,更求你听婢女的话。

    Please let your servant speak in your ears , and hear the words of your servant .

  23. 回答说,婢女实在是寡妇,我丈夫死了。

    And she answered , I am indeed a widow woman , and mine husband is dead .

  24. 但我主所打发的仆人,婢女并没有看见。

    But as for me , your servant , I did not see the men my master sent .

  25. 因为他垂顾了她婢女的卑微,今后万世万代都要称我有福;

    He has looked upon his servant in her lowliness , and people forever will call me blessed .

  26. 她说,神人,我主阿,不要那样欺哄婢女。

    No , my lord , she objected . Don 't mislead your servant , O man of God !

  27. 至于这婢女的儿子,我也要使他成为一大民族,因为他也是你的孩子。

    Also of the son of the handmaid will I make a nation , because he is your seed .

  28. 为此这人越来越富,拥有许多羊群,婢女和奴仆,骆驼和驴子。

    The man increased exceedingly , and had large flocks , maid-servants and men-servants , and camels and donkeys .

  29. 另个婢女会给新娘撑伞,第三个婢女会在喜轿上撒米。

    Another attendant might shield the bride with a parasol while a third tossed rice at the sedan chair .

  30. 她说,婢女家中除了一瓶油之外,没有什么。

    And she said , Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house , save a pot of oil .
