
  • 网络UIGE;Uíge
  1. 今天在世卫组织驻威热办事处与威热全市已知为Sobas的传统社区领导人举行了会议。

    Today , meetings were held in the WHO office in Uige with traditional community leaders , known as Sobas , for all of Uige municipality .

  2. 两名后勤专家将加入在威热和罗安达的小组。

    Two logisticians will join teams in Uige and Luanda .

  3. 在威热的控制活动最近经历了某些挫折。

    Control operations in Uige have experienced some recent setbacks .

  4. 在过去5周内在威热省之外未报告发生病例。

    No cases have been reported outside Uige for the past five weeks .

  5. 所有这些病例均起源于威热省。

    All these cases had originated in Uige Province .

  6. 然而,威热省仍在报告新确认的病例和死亡。

    However , new confirmed cases and deaths continue to be reported in Uige .

  7. 加拿大温尼伯的加拿大国家微生物学实验室和安哥拉威热的现场试验室

    Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory , Winnipeg , Canada and field laboratory in Uige , Angola

  8. 在其它省发现的大多数病例与威热的暴发直接有关。

    Most cases detected in other provinces have been linked directly to the outbreak in Uige .

  9. 在威热的5个流动监测小组继续调查传闻和查找其他病例。

    Five mobile surveillance teams in Uige continue to investigate rumours and search for additional cases .

  10. 迄今为止,在其它省发现的所有病例据认为均源自威热。

    To date , all cases detected in other provinces are thought to have originated in Uige .

  11. 世卫组织已决定加强在威热专门从事感染控制的国际工作人员的力量。

    WHO has decided to strengthen the presence in Uige of international staff specialized in infection control .

  12. 病例已在威热、罗安达、卡宾达、马兰热和北宽扎省查明。

    Cases have been identified in Uige , Luanda , Cabinda , Malange , and Kuanza Norte provinces .

  13. 可提供威热的详细数据,这是最严重的受感染省,那里监测工作一直在稳步改善。

    Detailed data are available for Uige , the most severely affected province , where surveillance has been steadily improving .

  14. 在威热,有某些证据表明不愿在医院寻求治疗或继续接受治疗。

    In Uige , there is some evidence of a reluctance to seek treatment or remain under care in hospitals .

  15. 昨天在车辆受到当地居民袭击和损坏之后,在威热的流动监测小组被迫暂停活动。

    Mobile surveillance teams in Uige were forced to suspend operations yesterday when vehicles were attacked and damaged by local residents .

  16. 在威热,流动监测小组在提高公众对该病了解的强化运动之后于星期六继续开展工作。

    In Uige , mobile surveillance teams resumed operations on Saturday following intensive campaigns to improve public understanding of the disease .

  17. 大多数病例目前集中在该国北部的威热省(见地图)。

    Most cases are presently concentrated in Uige Province in the northern part of the country ( see map below ) .

  18. 可能需要住院的目前患病人员应考虑推迟前往安哥拉、特别是前往威热的非必需旅行。

    Persons with existing medical conditions who might require hospitalization should consider deferring non-essential travel to Angola , particularly to Uige Province .

  19. 对威热若干最近死亡病例的调查表明利用不安全注射器在家中进行治疗与病毒传播之间的明确关联。

    Investigation of several recent fatalities in Uige indicates a clear link between home-based treatments using unsafe syringes and spread of the virus .

  20. 昨天,在威热省的本戈市报告了4例新的疑似病例,其中3例已经死亡。

    Yesterday , four new suspected cases , of which three were fatal , were reported in Bungo municipality , in Uige Province .

  21. 在安哥拉,一所便携式现场实验室目前正在威热开展工作,并且第二所实验室应很快可在罗安达运作。

    In Angola , a portable field laboratory is now operating in Uige and a second one should be operational in Luanda shortly .

  22. 加拿大国际微生物学实验室将在威热建立一个流动实验室,并且美国疾病预防控制中心将在罗安达提供实验室支持。

    The Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory will be setting up a mobile laboratory in Uige and CDC will be providing laboratory support in luanda .

  23. 一个受欢迎的发展情况是红十字会和红新月会国际联合会决定加强其在威热的存在。

    A welcome development is the decision by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to strengthen its presence in Uige .

  24. 流动监测小组已经成立并且正在调查继续作为此次暴发中心的威热省其它病例的传闻。

    Mobile surveillance teams have been established and are investigating rumours of additional cases in Uige Province , which remains the epicentre of the outbreak .

  25. 由政府召集的一个28名安哥拉卫生保健专业人员小组今天抵达威热以便对控制活动提供进一步支持。

    A team of28 Angolese health care professionals , assembled by the government , arrived today in Uige to provide further support to control activities .

  26. 在每日流动小组活跃的威热,监测继续主要集中在调查死亡和搜集尸体。

    In Uige , where daily mobile teams are active , surveillance continues to be largely concentrated on the investigation of deaths and collection of bodies .

  27. 由加拿大国家微生物学实验室提供的一个流动现场实验室于昨天到达,今天在威热建立,并将于明天开始工作。

    A mobile field laboratory provided by the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory arrived yesterday , was set up in Uige today , and will become operational tomorrow .

  28. 已发起紧急调查,以便确定是否可将本戈的病例与已知传播仍在持续的威热市相联系。

    An urgent investigation has been launched to determine whether the Bungo cases can be linked to Uige municipality , where transmission is known to be ongoing .

  29. 除了持续的安全问题之外,另一个紧急问题是难以进入威热省的偏远社区以及这些地区相应的病例监测不力。

    Apart from continuing security concerns , another pressing problem is poor access to remote communities in Uige Province and correspondingly poor surveillance for cases in these areas .

  30. 世卫组织在威热的工作人员今天收到报告,发生了几例死亡,但是小组未能调查死因或搜集尸体以便安全埋葬。

    WHO staff in Uige were notified today of several fatalities but teams were unable to investigate the cause of death or collect the bodies for safe burial .