
  • 网络Haumea
  1. 妊神星的自转并不是问题,但它和其他星球形状不同。

    The rotation itself would not cause too many problems , but Haumea is not shaped like any other planet .

  2. 妊神星不仅自转特性非常有趣,还有两颗卫星相随,即妊卫一和妊卫二。

    across.Not only does Haumea possess some of the most interesting rotational properties , it also has two moons , Hi'iaka and Namaka .

  3. 因妊神星于2004年12月28日被发现,在正式命名前它曾被叫作“圣诞老人”。

    Before it was officially named , 136108 Haumea was known as " Santa , " due to being discovered on December 28 , 2004 .

  4. 当然,这两颗卫星的赤道长度自然不能同妊神星相提并论,毕竟它们的自转速度并不足以使其膨胀。

    The elongated equators of these moons cannot be explained in the same way as Haumea , since they do not spin fast enough to bulge .

  5. 它的公转速度比太阳系中其他已知星体都要快,妊神星上的一天按照我们的计时标准只有3.9个小时,所以在开始的一段时间内,科学家们很难对它进行测量。

    Scientists initially found it hard to take measurements of Haumea because of its extremely rapid rotation , faster than any other known body in the solar system - a day is only 3.9 hours long .