
  • 网络morning sickness;reaction of pregnancy
  1. 这是正常的妊娠反应,可能过段时间就会有所好转的。

    This is a normal reaction of pregnancy , may over time will be improved .

  2. 凯特此前因为妊娠反应过于严重,不得不暂时放下公务。今天通过安妮·弗洛伊德国家儿童家庭中心(AnnaFreudNationalCentreforChildrenandFamilies)发起了“儿童心理健康问题不容忽视(You'renevertooyoungtotalkmentalhealth)”的活动。

    Kate , who has been forced to take a break from public duties due to morning sickness , today launched the ' You 're never too young to talk mental health ' campaign by the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families .

  3. 细胞生物学和分子生物学的研究表明,MMPs在正常生理调节机制下,能够降解几乎所有胞外基质,参与了多种生理过程,如组织重建、妊娠反应、伤口愈合等。

    As studied by cell biology and molecular biology , with the mechanism of normal physiological modulation , MMPs degrade almost all extracellular matrix ( ECM ) and participate a lot of physiological process , including tissue remodeling , pregnancy , wound healing .

  4. 她表示,运动促进体内的内啡?分泌,帮她克服了孕吐这种怀孕初期的妊娠反应。

    She says the endorphins from exercising helped her deal with first-trimester nausea .

  5. 抑制孕早期妊娠反应的孕妇奶粉的研制

    Development of pregnant milk powder suppressed the gestation reaction of the early pregnancy period

  6. 妊娠反应与孕早期碘营养和垂体-甲状腺功能的关系

    Relation between morning sickness and iodine nutrition , pituitary-thyroid function during early pregnant stage

  7. 蚯蚓被用于妊娠反应试验。

    Earthworms have been used in testing pregnancy .

  8. 重度妊娠反应致韦尼克脑病的临床观察及护理

    The clinical observation and nursing of the wernicke encephal - opathy caused by serious gestational reaction

  9. 凯特王妃因为妊娠反应错过了乔治王子的开学第一天。

    The Duchess sadly had to miss Prince George 's first day of school because of the condition .

  10. 根据孕妇孕早期的营养需求及孕早期生理特点设计出一种减轻妊娠反应的孕妇奶粉。

    The gestation reaction is a Physiological reaction that will be appeared among many pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy .

  11. 一月底我们分开了,可是我怀孕了,一周后因为妊娠反应而躺在床上休息。

    The end of January we broke up . I was pregnant and put on bed rest a week later for preterm labor .

  12. 目的探索孕早期碘营养变化及妊娠反应的主要影响。

    Objective To probe the main influence factors of changes of iodine nutrition and its morning sickness in early stage of pregnant women .

  13. 对6头雄性黑猩猩做9次采精试验和3只雌性黑猩猩做了3次授精试验,虽然雌性黑猩猩没有出现妊娠反应,但对黑猩猩的人工授精繁殖技术作出了有益的探索。

    Electroejaculation in 6 male Chimpanzees and 3 artificial insemination in 3 female were make , all electroejaculation were successful , but no female was pregnant .

  14. 一个月来,凯特王妃妊娠反应严重,上周是凯特王妃显怀后的首次露面。

    After battling severe pregnancy sickness for the past month , Kate stepped out for the first time last week with a hint of a baby bump .

  15. 可能是为了抑制怀孕期间闻到的、吃到的或只是假想的怪味,以及突发的妊娠反应。

    It 's possible that some yens are meant to counter the odd smells , strange tastes , phantom odors and food aversions that can crop up during pregnancy .

  16. 知道怀孕以后除了有一点妊娠反应以外,身体没什么非凡的感觉,倒是心里会感觉很甜蜜的。

    After knowing to be pregnant besides have gravid reaction beyond , the feeling with body special that 's all right , can feel very sweet in the heart however .

  17. 综述了近年来国内外对孕期运动的研究,认为孕妇孕期适度地运动,可以促进孕妇的血液循环,减轻妊娠反应所致的不适,增强腹肌力量,帮助孕妇适应身体重心的转移和控制体重。

    It reviewed the researches on exercises during pregnancy both in abroad and at home in recent years . It suggested that proper exercise during pregnancy could enhance blood circulation of pregnant women , abate their discomforts induced by gestation reaction and strengthen their abdominal muscles .

  18. 结果:在子宫内膜腔上皮,IL-8主要定位于细胞的游离面,妊娠1d阳性反应最弱,4d表达最强,5d有所下降,6d又开始增强;

    Results : In the luminal epithelium of endometrium , IL-8 was mainly located in the free surface .

  19. 结果未妊娠组高反应组与正常反应组获卵数存在显著差异(P<005),年龄、获卵数、移植胚胎数两组无显著差异(P>005)。

    Results The number of ovary between non-pregnancy group and normal group had statistical difference ( P < 0 05 ), but the age and the number of embryo transfer did not have statistical difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  20. 几天后,凯特宣布了怀孕,同时也开始有剧烈的妊娠剧吐反应,不得不因此暂停公众事业。

    Only a few days after that , it was announced that she is pregnant - and with that came news she was suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum , an extreme form of morning sickness that forced her to cancel her public duties .

  21. 妊娠高血压患者C反应蛋白与褪黑素的检测及意义

    Clinical Significance of Serum C-reactive Protein Levels and Melatonin Levels in Patients with Hypertensive Disorder Complicating Pregnancy

  22. 精子膜抗原SA-30诱导的妊娠小鼠子宫免疫反应

    Immune responses in pregnant mouse uterus induced by a sperm antigen SA-30

  23. 松弛肽在妊娠期建立肾脏反应方面起作用

    Relaxin has a role in establishing a renal response in pregnancy

  24. 孕妇妊娠中晚期C-反应蛋白与胰岛素抵抗及血脂的相关性研究

    Study on the relationship between C-reactive protein and insulin resistance , blood lipid in pregnant women with varying glucose tolerances

  25. 比较三组间在避孕有效率、续存率、脱落率、因症取出率、带器妊娠率及副反应方面的差别。

    Comparison among the three groups in contraceptive efficiency , continued survival rate , expulsion rate , removal rate due to disease , pregnancy rate and side effects with devices the differences .

  26. 本研究的目的是阐明同种妊娠和科间妊娠之间免疫反应的差异,并初步探讨科间妊娠中流产的可能原因。

    The aim of this work was to illuminate the difference of immunological reaction between intraspecific and interfamily pregnancy and to primarily grope for the possible reasons of i.