
nǚ fǎ ɡuān
  • Women judges;female judge;woman judge
  1. 布鲁塞尔&周四,布鲁塞尔市中心的一家法院发生枪击案,一名女法官和一名法庭书记员中弹身亡。

    BRUSSELS-A female judge and a court clerk were shot dead in a court in downtown Brussels on Thursday .

  2. 一位女法官告诉我:我无法想象专业人士兼职工作,尽管女性可以做任何她希望从事的工作,但她同时也必须承担一位母亲的责任。

    One female judge told me : I can 't imagine a professional working part-time [ and ] , although a woman can do whatever she wants , she also has to be the mother .

  3. 法律界在很大程度上仍然是男人的世界,这一点从女法官的人数屈指可数即可得到证实。

    The legal profession is still a largely male world , as evidenced by the small number of women judges .

  4. 在Dunne女法官昨天进行判决之后,她把案子押后至下周,届时将处理费用问题。

    After Ms Justice Dunne gave her judgment yesterday , she adjourned the case to next week when costs will be addressed .

  5. 这位女法官对这些年轻人毫不留情。

    The judge showed no pity in her treatment of the youngsters .

  6. 一个由三位女法官组成的审判庭将开庭审理此案。

    A panel of three women judges will preside over the trial .

  7. 因对初犯宽宏大量而知名的女法官。

    A magistrate known for her leniency with first-time offenders .

  8. 他立刻去见了一位女法官。

    He went at once to see a woman judge .

  9. 在人民法院系统,现有女法官5600人。

    At present , 5,600 women serve as judges in the people 's courts .

  10. 一位女法官审理了这一案件。

    A woman judge heard the case .

  11. 因对初犯宽宏大量而知名的女法官.一位女法官审理了这一案件。

    A magistrate known for her leniency with first-time offenders A woman judge heard the case .

  12. 在司法机构中有一大批女法官、女检察官、女律师。

    China 's judicial organs have a large number of women judges , procurators and lawyers .

  13. 她们不依赖丈夫,有自己的公民权和法律权,甚至还出现过女法官。

    They had citizenship and legal fights quite independently of their husbands , and some even rose to be judges .

  14. 女法官的语言富有感情、具有亲和力,她们更注重用语的规范,表达更准确,能够正确使用程序语言来维护程序正义。

    The female judges are more emotional and friendly . They prefer to use the specification language to defend the procedural justice .

  15. 一名北京女法官上周在家附近被枪杀致死后,中国法院发面表示将采取多项措施来保护法官人身安全。

    Chinese courts are to step up efforts to protect judicial officers after a Beijing judge was shot dead near her home last week .

  16. 联合国国际法院在一份报告中说,这是该法院历史上首次有两位女法官同时就职。

    A statement of ICJ on Monday said that it is the first time in the court 's history that two female judges will serve simultaneously .

  17. 目前为止,大多数共和党参议员表示,他们将等到听证会结束再决定是否支持索托马约。索托马约将成为第一个西班牙裔最高法院成员和最高法院第二位女法官。

    For now , most Republican senators they will wait until the hearings before on whether to support Sotomayor , who would become the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice and the second woman on the current court .

  18. 我的宣誓仪式是由最高法院的犹太裔女大法官露丝·巴德·金斯伯格(RuthBaderGinsburg)主持的。

    my oath was administered by Ruth Bader Ginsburg , a Jewish female justice of the Supreme Court .

  19. 巾帼司法顾问团是一支由长春市33名在职女警官、女法官、女检察官、女律师、女法律专家学者组成的全省第一支女性司法顾问志愿者队伍。

    The women 's team on judicial consultancy consists of 33 female volunteers from various fields and trades in law , including police , judges , procurators , lawyers , and legal experts .