
  • 网络Arbitrageur;arbitrager
  1. 本文的理论模型表明业绩约束的套利者的套利能力所受到的限制远超过SV模型的推断。

    Our model suggests that performance-based arbitrage limit arbitrageurs ' ability from two sides .

  2. 套利者已经清楚这点。

    The arbitrageurs have made sure of that .

  3. 噪声交易中套利者的作用研究

    A Study of Arbitrageur 's Function in Noise Trading

  4. 考虑的市场参与者包括发电公司、输电权拥有者、套利者和用户。

    The market participants considered include generation companies , FTR owners , arbitrageurs and electricity consumers .

  5. 对于套期保值者和套利者而言,股指期货的风险也就体现在基差波动不确定性上。

    For hedging and arbitrage , the risk of the stock index futures is also reflected in the spread uncertainty .

  6. 但是如果套利者在美国购得一辆汽车,他们将车运往国外是合法的。

    But once arbitrageurs have obtained a car in the US , it is legal for them to ship it abroad .

  7. 模型的分析结果表明,投资者的过度自信会限制套利者的套利行为。

    Results show that the existence of risk for rational arbitragers and the investors'psychology overconfidence could limit the rational arbitrageur 's behavior .

  8. 然而,有效市场假说的三个理论假设,理性投资者假设、随机交易假设和有效套利者假设在现实资本市场中都是无法实现的。

    However , the EMH theory has three assumptions ; the assumption that investors are rational is not valid in real market .

  9. 该模型既反映了套利者混合理性的阶段性属性,也显示了正反馈交易者的完全非理性特征。

    The model not only embodies irrational characteristics of positive feedback traders , but also reflects the stage feature of arbitragers ' hybrid-rational .

  10. 对即将推出的我国股票指数期货交易市场上的投机者与套利者进行套利活动有理论指导意义和实际操作意义。

    It is directive in theory and in practical for speculators and arbitrageurs for the coming of stock index future market in our country .

  11. 套利者为股指期货市场提供了流动性,是市场的重要组成部分,也需要对其策略研究。

    Also , arbitrager is the important participant of the market and provides liquidity to the market , so we should study the strategies of arbitrager .

  12. 最可能发生的情况是,会有人要求让纯粹套利者和做市商享受例外,而帮助维持价格稳定的其他投资者则将无可避免地遭受损失。

    Most probably , exceptions would be required for pure arbitrageurs and market makers , but others who help to keep prices in line would inevitably suffer .

  13. 其中,交易者可具体划分为套期保值者、套利者和投机者,而本文的交易策略主要针对套期保值者和套利者,对投机者指导意义不大。

    Market traders include hedgers , arbitragers and speculators . The approaches proposed in this paper are mainly for hedger and arbitrager , with little contribution to speculators .

  14. 毕竟,机构投资者涵盖范围广泛,从养老基金(较长期视角)到对冲基金(短期视角),到套利者(其视角以分钟计算)等都包括在内。

    After all , they include everything from pension funds ( longer horizons ) to hedge funds ( short horizons ) to arbitrageurs ( horizons measured in minutes ) .

  15. 和雀巢公司,它们被提及的次数太多了,这位套利者说这一对就象是晚间新闻里有关不安全自助沙拉台的报导一样,每三个月都会蹦出来一次。

    HSY and Nestle SA , have been mentioned so often that this arbitrager called the pairing'like reports of unsafe salad bars on the nightly news-they pop up every three months .

  16. 套利者、可以通过受让低价非流通股控制上市公司,在这之前购入低价的普通股,在重组公布时抛售套取利润,或者在重组成功后通过再融资套取利润。

    An arbitrator can gain extra profit by buying the common shares at a relatively low price , and sell them at a high price before the news that acquisition happens or through stock financing .

  17. 根据有效市场理论,股票价格完全反映了企业信息,股票市场具有价值评估功能,任何偏离都会被套利者发现,套利行为通过调整供求关系使股票价格与价值趋于一致。

    Based on Efficient Markets Hypothesis , stock prices fully reflect corporate information , the stock market has valuation function , any valuation deviation will be find by arbitrageurs , the adjustment between supply and demand promote the stock prices converge with value .

  18. 银行进而通过经典的套利交易赚取二者之间的息差。

    The banks then pocketed the difference between the two rates in a classic ' carry trade ' .

  19. 在市场的运行中,非均衡是与违反一价定律相对应的,套利的过程就是套利者对违反一价定律机会的运用,同时市场恢复均衡的过程。

    The existence of the unequilibrium implies that the market goes , against the law of one price , and as a matter of fact , arbitrage is a process which arbitrageur makes use of these opportunities and the market resumes equilibrium .

  20. 论有限套利的代理模型&专业套利者研究基于资源约束的企业绩效及利益相关者管理

    On Acting Model of limited Fraudulently Purchasing Interests ; Enterprises ' Performance and Stakeholder Management Based On Resource Constraints

  21. 对个体投资行为进行伦理规定,对个体投资获利目的进行伦理判断,对个体投资获利行为进行伦理评价,都是需要认真对待的投资伦理问题。论有限套利的代理模型&专业套利者研究

    It should be taken into our deep consideration to regulate the ethic of individual investment behavior , to ethically identify and evaluate the objective interests of the individual investments . On Acting Model of limited Fraudulently Purchasing Interests

  22. 套利交易只是投机交易的综合和复杂形式,套利者依然归属于投机者。

    The arbitrage is just an integrated and complex form of speculation trade , an advanced stage of speculation trade .