
yǎn yǎn dài bì
  • Dying;hang by a thread;on the point of dying
奄奄待毙[yǎn yǎn dài bì]
  1. 后来,致命的疾病缠住了我,我回到这里已奄奄待毙。

    Then my last illness seized me , and I returned hither to die .

  2. 然后他又发现了另一只雪撬狗,脖子上插着一支羽箭,奄奄待毙。

    Then he found another sledge - dog , dying , with an arrow in his neck .

  3. 第一天以后,我很少骑马,倒不是可怜那匹奄奄待毙的老马,而是因为大家都在走路。

    After the first day I rode little , not so much out of pity for the languishing day , but because everyone else marched .

  4. 赫略多洛的同僚便急忙恳请敖尼雅哀求至高者,使这奄奄待毙的人重获生命。

    Then some of Heliodorus'companions begged Onias to call upon the Most High to grant the grace of life to him who was at the point of death .