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tiān shū
  • a book from heaven;imperial edict;abstruse writing;abstruse or illegal writing as a mystic book from heaven;illegible writing;Greek to sb
天书 [tiān shū]
  • (1) [abstruse or illegal writing as a mystic book from heaven]∶天上神仙写的书或信(迷信)

  • 对我来说,这本书就跟天书一样难懂

  • (2) [ abstruse writing; illegible writing]∶比喻难认的文字或难懂的文章

  • 这封信字太潦草,像天书似的

  • (3) [imperial edict]∶古代帝王的诏书

天书[tiān shū]
  1. 即使办了保险,合同又宛如天书。

    Although did insurance , contract just like a book from heaven .

  2. 但是想到以前看的哪些天书心里就比较平衡一点!

    But balance quite in the heart of what a book from heaven that thinks of to look before a bit !

  3. 这对我来说完全是天书。

    It 's all gobbledegook to me .

  4. 毫无疑问,他不知道他在说天书。

    No doubt he had not an idea that he was speaking Greek .

  5. 有奇特的无字天书星象图,留下了无数的不解之谜。

    These unique round impressions have remained an unsolved mystery .

  6. 那些语法条条对这个小男孩来说就像天书一样。

    Those grammatical rules always seem to be Greek to the little boy .

  7. 某天书将会被电脑所取代吗?

    Will books be replaced by computers one day ?

  8. 他写的糟透了,对我来说就像天书一样。

    His write is so bad it just looks like hieroglyphic to me .

  9. 这封信字迹太潦草,像天书似的。

    This letter is as illegible as hieroglyphics .

  10. 老和尚一死,傻和尚得了天书。

    After the old monks death , the fool monk got the imperial edict .

  11. 将来某天书会被电脑代替吗?

    Will books be replaced by computers ?

  12. 这文章满篇术语,对我直如天书。

    This article 's so full of jargon it 's just double Dutch to me .

  13. 至于大姐,从小到大连一天书也没有念过。

    As for his eldest sister , she had never stepped into school since birth .

  14. 其中,“天书事件”将对祥瑞的崇奉推向了顶峰。

    Among them ," A Sealed Book Affair " pushed this adoration to the crest .

  15. 这就是无字天书。

    This is a wordless heavenly book .

  16. 这本计算机手册是本天书。

    This computer manual is complete gobbledegook .

  17. 多谢,不过还是免了吧。我从来不读这类东西。对我来说就跟天书一样。

    Thanks.but no.I never read that sort of stuff . It 's all greek to me

  18. 他以数学符号的天书描述的纳什均衡无处不在。

    Nash equilibriums , which he described in the hieroglyphics of mathematical symbols , exist everywhere .

  19. 在道教,每个人的命运已经写在天书里。

    On taoism , the destiny of every man woman is already written in the Celest book .

  20. 新领域的专利经常听上去像天书,因为每个发明者都去构造出自己的一套术语。

    Patents in new fields often sound like gobbledygook , since each inventor makes up his own terminology .

  21. 云篆天书:道教符图艺术对现代视觉设计的启示

    " Yun Zhuan Tian Shu ": Enlightenment on Modern Visual Design from the Symbolic and Imagic Art of Taoism

  22. 乔伊斯和《尤利西斯》批评在西方经历了一个从破解天书到成为批评界关注热点的发展过程。它大体上可分为三类:读解及辞书类批评、一般批评、版本批评。

    Joyce and Ulysses criticism in West has a process developing from the deciphering of the book to the Joyce Industry .

  23. 像空气一样轻的小事,对于一个嫉妒的人,也会变成天书一样坚强的确证;

    Trifles light as air Are to the jealous confirmations strong As proofs of holy writ : this may do something .

  24. 网络天书与这些交易并没有任何关系,因此这个列表不应该被看作是一种认可。

    Cnic is not affiliated with any of these businesses , and this list should not be construed as an endorsement .

  25. 在黄河边上我遇见一位名叫王豪的七十岁老农夫,他不曾到学校念过一天书。

    Beside the Yellow River I met a70-year-old peasant named Hao Wang , who had never gone to a day of school .

  26. 许多笔记很难辨认。医生的处方笔记看起来像天书,或是古代的象形文字。

    Some handwriting can be almost impossible to read . Doctors are famous for writing prescriptions that look like gobbledygook or ancient hieroglyphics .

  27. 天帝藏书处所藏的第一部天书就是伏羲在阆中创制的先天八卦。

    The first Heavenly Scripture stored by the Supreme Being in his book storage is The Early Eight Diagrams compiled by Fuxi in Langzhong .

  28. 还有人这辈子从没教过一天书,却领取教师退休金。

    There was even a case of a man drawing a teacher 's pension when he had never taught a day in his life .

  29. 其后的《尤利西斯》(1922)由于其晦涩难懂以及典故的运用,更被人们称为天书。

    And his representative Ulysses ( 1922 ) was even called an " unreadable book " because of its obscure language and massive use of allusions .

  30. 他是个文盲,没读过一天书,却能剪出各种充满灵性的艺术作品。

    He was illiterate and did not read the book one day , but it can cut into a variety of full spiritual works of art .