
  1. 村子坐落在大路边上,很容易成为土匪袭击的对象。

    The village lies beside a main road , making it an easy target for bandits

  2. 他住在大路边的一栋房子里。

    He lives in a house on the main road .

  3. 别错过了。就在大路边上。

    You can 't miss it . it 's right off the main road .

  4. 当我看到卖报的男孩和他的朋友们在大路边分派报纸

    When I see the boy and his friend walking up the road to deliver the newspaper

  5. 答:那是大路边打草鞋,有人说长,有人说短。

    Answer : That is the boulevard side to beat straw sandal , someone say long , someone say short .

  6. 他们斜靠在大路边的栅栏门上,询问妇女穿白袍跳舞的意思。

    They leant over the gate by the highway , and inquired as to the meaning of the dance and the white-frocked maids .

  7. 白杨树是不太讲究生存条件的,大路边,田埂旁,哪里有黄土的地方,哪里就有她的生存。

    Poplar is not very particular about living conditions , large roadside ridge next to a place where there are loess , where she was living there .

  8. 可怜的姑娘每天必须坐到大路旁的水井边纺线,不停地纺啊纺,一直纺到手指磨破了血。

    Every day the poor girl had to sit by a well , next to the highway , and spin so much that her fingers bled .