
  • 网络Raise The Red Lantern
  1. 《大红灯笼高高挂》,张艺谋导演,中国,1991。

    Raise the Red Lantern ( b ) . Directed by Zhang Yimou . China , 1991 .

  2. 张艺谋以其情感丰富的代表作著称,例如《菊豆》和《大红灯笼高高挂》。

    Zhang is famous for his rich emotional masterpieces , such as " Ju Dou " and " Raise the Red Lantern " .

  3. 中国汽车业:大红灯笼高高挂?

    China auto industry : big red lantern is hanging highly ?

  4. 是巩俐主演的《大红灯笼高高挂》这部影片。

    It is Gong Li that ( who ) stars the film Red Lanterns .

  5. “大红灯笼高高挂”和“红高粱”是他做过的最好的两部电影。

    " Raise the Red Lantern " and " Red Sorghum " are two of the finest films ever made .

  6. 国庆节那天,每个窗口都挂出红旗。改编:从《妻妾成群》到《大红灯笼高高挂》

    On National Day red flags are hung out of every window . Recomposition : From Wives to Raise the Red Lantern ;

  7. 中央芭蕾舞团将着名电影导演张艺谋首次执导的激动人心的芭蕾舞剧《大红灯笼高高挂》带来了加州。

    The National Ballet of China brings Zhang Yimou 's breathtaking adaptation of his award-winning film Raise the Red Lantern , to Cal Performances .

  8. 拿张艺谋来说,他仍旧是我最喜爱的导演之一,《大红灯笼高高挂》也始终是我最喜爱的影片之一。

    Zhang Yimou , for example , is still one of my favorite directors and Raise the Red Lantern remains one of my all-time favorite movies .

  9. 张艺谋的电影包括《大红灯笼高高挂》和《英雄》,他相信观众会被届时的演出所感动。

    Zhang films include " Raise the Red Lantern " and " Hero ", he said he believed the audience will be touched by the performance .

  10. 此前,张艺谋曾经在他1991年的杰作《大红灯笼高高挂》里探究过20世纪初深宅大院里男女之间的明争暗斗。

    Previously , Zhang Yimou explored the gender politics of a powerful household in his masterful Raise the Red lantern ( 1991 ) set in the early20th century .

  11. 1991年,他拍摄了一部反专制的故事片《大红灯笼高高挂》,片中(未露面的)老爷一手操纵着四个不幸老婆的生活。

    In 1991 , he made Raise the Red Lantern , an anti-autocratic allegory in which an ( unseen ) master controls the lives of his four unfortunate wives .

  12. 这部电影由英国演员克里斯蒂安.贝尔主演,执导《大红灯笼高高挂》等电影而闻名的张艺谋担任导演。影片有意弥合中西方观众之间的差异。

    Starring British actor Christian Bale and directed by Zhang Yimou known for such films as Raise the Red Lantern - the movie was deliberately designed to bridge the gap between Chinese and Western audiences .

  13. 《妻妾成群》与《大红灯笼高高挂》之比较堂屋里挂了灯彩,两边木板壁上也挂了红缎子绣花屏。

    Comparing Wives and Concubines in Flocks with Da Hong Deng Long Gao Gao Gua ; Large red lanterns were hung in the main hall ; on each of the side walls were placed panels of embroidered red silk .

  14. 张艺谋因1991年的影片《大红灯笼高高挂》和1994年的《活着》等佳作而在国际上享有盛名。中国官方媒体新华社周四报道说,江苏省无锡市人口和计划生育委员会正在调查张艺谋。

    Mr. Zhang , celebrated internationally for films like 1991 's ' Raise the Red Lantern ' and 1994 's ' To Live , ' is being investigated by the family planning committee in the city of Wuxi , in eastern China 's Jiangsu province , the official Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday .

  15. 张艺谋的影片代表作包括1991年的《大红灯笼高高挂》和1994年的《活着》,此外他还执导了2008年北京奥运会开闭幕式。张艺谋上月曾发布一份声明,承认他和妻子违反了独生子女政策并为此道歉。

    The director -- noted for such films as 1991 's ' Raise the Red Lantern ' and 1994 's ' To Live , ' as well as for directing Beijing 's 2008 Olympic opening and closing ceremonies -- had issued a statement last month admitting that he and his wife violated the policy and apologizing .