- atmospheric ozone

Atmospheric Ozone Layer Depletion and CFCs Alternatives
This demonstrates that mass-independent oxygen isotope fractionation will play a more important role in the research on ( ancient ) atmospheric ozone activity , chemistry in volcanic plumes and O , S and N biogeochemical cycle .
Variation Features of Atmospheric Total Ozone over Northeast China in Recent 6 Years and Their Relations with Temperature
Some measures should be taken to restrict and prohibit CFCs so as to protect atmosphere ozone layer and achieve sustainable development .
Enhancement of UV-B radiation caused by decrease of the atmospheric ozone layer directly or indirectly leads to change of plant in morphology , photosynthesis and genetic structure .
Because all chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ), halons , carbon tetrachloride and other chemical pollution , ozone has drastically reduced the ozone layer becomes thinner .
A Study of Umkehr Vertical Ozone Profiles of Beijing During 1990-2002
As one important predecessor of photo-chemical smog and ozone , non-methane hydrocarbon 's ( NMHC ) emission is paid great attention .
Evaporative cooling air conditioning is environmental friendly that use water as refrigerant to replace CFCs . It helps to reduce global greenhouse gas release and ozonosphere destroys .
Nitrous oxide plays an important role in the process of the global warming enhancement and atmospheric ozone ( O3 ) layer destruction ( IPCC , 2001 , 2007 ) .
Based on ozonesonde data for 20012003 , some variation characteristics of the tropopause height and its influence on ozone variation in upper troposphere / lower stratosphere ( UT / LS ) region over Beijing are discussed .
Total ozone during the period of Antarctic ozone hole of1993 at Zhongzhan station in Antarctica is extracted from TOVS data of NOAA-12 by using an improved statistical regression scheme .
The results show : ( 1 ) the number density of ozone in the troposphere is lower ( - 1012 mol / cm3 ) with a slight decreasing trend from the surface to the tropopause .
Based on the UV energy conservation , a good quantitative relation and an empirical model for ozone and its 3 affecting factors , including photochemical , scattering , and UV were determined and built up , and applied for calculating hourly and daily surface ozone and total ozone amount .
Results show that the ozone vertical profiles are characterized by multiple-layer structure and the maximum of ozone partial pressure appears near 25 km .
Increase in UV-B radiation on earth biosphere surface resulted from continual destruction of atmosphere ozone layer can have significantly effect on the process of growth and development of plants accordingly which was closely related with the change of plant endogenous hormones .
A STATISTICAL CALCULATION METHOD FOR THE TOTAL OZONE AMOUNT A Statistical Research for 1-Minute Rainfall Extremes of China
In the context of the TOMS data , investigated are atmospherical total ozone secular trends ( 1979 ~ 1992 ), interannual changes as well as seasonal and periodic variations over Arctic and Antarctic .
The variations of atmospheric ozone and NO 2 contents have a good positive correlation and the correlation coefficient reaches 0.69 . During the ozone hole , the content of NO 2 is always on low level and the altitude of its layer is higher .
According to the Montreal Protocol and its amendments , chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs ), which were commonly used as refrigerants would be phased out for ozone depletion . Thus , it is very necessary to look for environmentally acceptable alternative refrigerants .
Full-Disk Solar Occultation Measurements of Ozone Profiles in the Middle Atmosphere
An analytical method for predicting the trends of the atmospheric ozone
On the basic state of the atmospheric ozonosphere in Kunming Area
Teleconnection between SST in tropical eastern Pacific and ozonosphere over Northern Hemisphere
A Electrochemical Measurement of the Vertical Distribution of Ozone in the Atmosphere
The Solar Proton Events and the Disturbances of Atmospheric Ozone
The Mechanisms on the Heterogeneous Reactions in Atmospheric Ozone Depletion
Response of mesospheric ozone to the 27-day solar ultraviolet variations
Monitoring and analysis of atmospheric ozone and stratospheric aerosols ;
Test of photochemical process of mesospheric ozone during the total solar eclipse