
  • 网络Multicycle;polycyclicity
  1. 盆地内沉积了上三叠统以上地层,沉积岩厚度达5000m,具有多旋回性。

    The multi-cycle strata above the Upper Triassic are deposited , with the thickness of up to 5 000 m.

  2. 塔里木多旋回叠合盆地地质结构特征

    Characteristics of Geologic Framework of Multicycle Superimposed Basin in Tarim Basin

  3. 新疆西准噶尔地槽多旋回发展及其迁移特征

    Property of the polycyclic development and migration of West Junggar geosyncline

  4. 塔里木多旋回盆地复合构造样式初步分析

    A preliminary analysis on compound structural styles in the Tarim polycyclic Basin

  5. 多旋回沉积产生多元复合成烃的生油体系。

    Polycyclic sedimentation formed an oil generating system with multiple polygenetic hydrocarbon .

  6. 多旋回的板块构造运动与南海新生代构造

    Polycyclic plate tectonic movements and the Cenozoic tectonics of South China Sea

  7. 多旋回构造变动区的油气系统

    The petroleum system in the region of polycyclic tectonic movement

  8. 江汉多旋回叠合盆地形成及沉积充填响应

    The formation mechanism and filling response of the Jianghan multi-cycle superimposed basin

  9. 秦岭地槽褶皱系的多旋回成矿作用

    A preliminary study on the polycyclic mineralization in Qinling geosynclinal fold system

  10. 多旋回盆地复杂生烃史条件下烃源岩生烃量研究

    Study on the hydrocarbon-generation amount under the complex geological history in the poly-cyclic Basin

  11. 南方多旋回构造作用制约下的中、古生界海相油气构造-成藏旋回

    Tectonic-pooling cycles controlled by polycyclic tectonism in the Mesozoic-Palaeozoic marine strata of South China

  12. 复合叠合盆地的多旋回演化会形成多个油气系统。

    Multi petroleum systems were formed within multi circle evaluation of composite superimposed basin .

  13. 塔里木多旋回盆地与复式油气系统

    Complex petroleum system and multicycle basin in Tarim

  14. 新疆多旋回构造与板块运动

    Polycyclic tectogenesis and plate movement of Xinjiang

  15. 多旋回叠合盆地构造控油原理

    Control principles of structures and tectonics over hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution in multi-stage superimposed basins

  16. 铁岭&靖宇成矿带西段构造岩浆活动具有多旋回特点。

    The tectonic-magmatic activity of the west of Tieling-Co-Jingyu mineralization belt had the features of multicycle .

  17. 多旋回的沉积演化过程,孕育了多套海相、陆相烃源岩,且不同区域发育不同成因类型的烃源岩。

    Multi-stage sedimentary processes developed many sets of different types of hydrocarbon source rocks in different areas .

  18. 东海陆架多旋回复合盆地的油气远景

    Oil and gas prospects for the multicycle composite basin in the East China Sea shelf complex object

  19. 对中国大地构造特点的一些认识并着重讨论地槽褶皱带的多旋回发展问题

    On some of the tectonic characteristics of China with special discussion on the polycyclic development of geosynclinal FOLDBELTS

  20. 后期多旋回构造运动,使南方海相油气系统变得十分复杂。

    The marine petroleum systems of South China are complicated because of the multistage and multicycle structural movements .

  21. 地质时期地槽的多旋回发展受到俯冲作用旋回的控制。

    The polycyclic development of geosynclinal belts is controlled by the cyclicity of subduction during e geological time .

  22. 叠合盆地构造&热演化研究多旋回构造演化史是叠合盆地本质特征;

    The Tectonic and Thermal History of Superimpose Basin Multi-cycle structural evolution is the essential characteristics of its superimpose .

  23. 从多旋回构造运动观点初步探讨地壳发展规律

    Preliminary investigation on the evolution of the earth 's crust from the point of view of polycyclic tectonic movements

  24. 陕西北秦岭地区具有多旋回构造发展史及多旋四成矿作用。

    A history of multicyclic tectonic development and multicyclic metallogenesis occur in the North Qinling region , Shanxi Province .

  25. 前陆盆地地层的层序反映了前陆盆地构造演化史为一个多旋回的沉积构造演化史。

    The stratigraphic sequences in foreland basins have recorded a long and complex history of polycyclic sedimentary tectonic evolution .

  26. 准噶尔盆地是中国西部油气资源丰富的大型多旋回叠合盆地之一。

    Junggar basin was one of the three oil / gas enriched large multi-cycle superimposed basins in west of China .

  27. 地壳的多旋回开合运动是认识盆地改造和油气复杂演化过程的钥匙。

    The multicycle opening-closing movement of the crust is the key to understand the basin reformation and its hydrocarbon evolution .

  28. 摘要:勘探实践表明,多旋回叠合盆地油气成藏过程的复杂性极大地影响了油气勘探进程。

    Abstract : Complexity of hydrocarbon accumulation process is a major factor influencing petroleum exploration in a multicyclical superimposed basin .

  29. 它们具有5种垂向沈积层序,在剖面上常形成多旋回韵律性沈积组合。

    These internal-tide deposits possessed five types of vertical successions and formed rhythmic deposit combinations with cyclicity in the vertical section .

  30. 由于沉积盆地的多旋回叠加演化,隆起的形成发育表现为复杂的动力学过程。

    Formation and development of uplift is a complicated dynamic process owing to the multi-cycle superimposed development of the sedimentary basin .