
qiàn háo
  • trench;entrenchment;pit
堑壕 [qiàn háo]
  • [trench;entrenchment] 城壕;战壕

  • 堑壕战

  • 堑壕工事

堑壕[qiàn háo]
  1. 在被欧盟官员形容为堑壕战的谈判中,参加G20峰会的领导人昨日还同意敦促各国尽快就2020之后的减排计划做出承诺。

    In talks described by one EU official as trench warfare , G20 leaders also agreed yesterday to urge countries to make promises on their plans to reduce emissions post-2020 as soon as possible .

  2. 在被欧盟官员形容为“堑壕战”的谈判中,参加G20峰会的领导人昨日还同意敦促各国尽快就2020之后的减排计划做出承诺。

    In talks described by one EU official as " trench warfare , " G20 leaders also agreed yesterday to urge countries to make promises on their plans to reduce emissions post-2020 as soon as possible .

  3. 在堑壕的下方,你能找到另一个地下碉堡。

    Right below the entrenchment , you will find another underground bunker .

  4. 基于方向投影的堑壕和交通壕自动检测

    Auto-Examination of Battle Underground Tunnel and Transportation Underground Tunnel Based on Direction Shadow

  5. 士兵们在堑壕阵地上打了十天仗。

    The soldiers fought in trenches for ten days .

  6. 堑壕里的迫击炮早已开始了射击,声响愈来愈大。

    The trench mortars have begun to fire and the volume of sound increases .

  7. 挖掘(挖堑壕或破坏工事)的工兵。

    A military engineer who does sapping ( digging trenches or undermining fortifications ) .

  8. 至死不悔自堑壕升起。

    From their graves in the trenches ascending .

  9. 华盛顿与北京之间的敌对状态,已经升级为一种类似堑壕战的东西。

    The hostility between Washington and Beijing has escalated into something resembling trench warfare .

  10. 首先通过对大多数堑壕音效(没有人声尚未)。

    First pass on the majority of Entrenchment sound effects ( no vocals yet ) .

  11. 以往的发明也曾改变过我们进行战争的方式,使我们远离了堑壕战。

    They changed the way we fought war & caused us to back away from trench warfare .

  12. 火焰喷射器最初于第一次世界大战的堑壕战中亮相,在第二次世界大战中更是被广泛使用。

    Flamethrower first in the appearance of World War I trench warfare in World War II is widely used .

  13. 无论是从堑壕机制还是替代机制的角度来看,研究企业社会责任与财务业绩的关系时都必须考虑盈余管理,也就是要综合考虑企业社会责任、财务业绩与盈余管理的关系。

    Whether viewed from the point of entrenchment tool or alternative mechanism , we should consider earnings management when we study the relation between corporate social responsibility and financial performance .

  14. 第一次世界大战(1914-1918)是一场长时间的静态堑壕战。在大炮和机枪面前无论是步兵还是骑兵发动的地面军事行动几乎都是自杀性的。

    World War1 ( 1914-18 ) was a long static trench war in which artillery and machine guns made mobile ground warfare almost impossible , suicidal , for both infantry and Cavalry .

  15. 通过研究,本文发现在我国民营上市公司中的确存在终极控制者通过构建金字塔控股股权结构来侵害企业价值,两权分离现象越严重其堑壕效应越明显。

    Through the research , we found there indeed exists that ultimate controllers encroach upon corporate value through the building of Pyramid Ownership Structure . The more serious of the two rights ' separation , the more obvious the ' entrenchment ' phenomenon will be .
