
  • 网络Genomic imprinting;genome imprinting;genetic imprinting
  1. DNA甲基化与许多生物学过程有关,包括组织特性基因的表达,基因组印记。

    DNA methylation is involved in various biological processes including tissue-specific gene expression , genomic imprinting .

  2. DNA甲基化与基因组印记

    DNA Methylation And Genomic Imprinting

  3. DNA甲基化修饰在基因表达调控、植物细胞分化、基因组印记以及系统发育中起着重要的调节作用。

    DNA methylation is known to play an important role in regulating gene expression .

  4. 基因组印记(Genomicimprinting)是不符合孟德尔遗传定律的特殊遗传现象。

    Genomic imprinting is a special hereditary phenomenon out of line with Mendel 's law .

  5. 在过去的几年里,人们对表观遗传疾病的机理有了新的认识,这些疾病与染色质重塑、基因组印记、X染色体失活以及非编码RNA调控这4个表观遗传过程相关。

    In the past few fears , there has been a nascent convergence of scientific understanding of human disease with epigenetic . Identified epigenetic processes involved in human disease include chromatin remodeling , genomic imprinting , X chromosome inactivation , and noncoding RNAs regulation .

  6. 甲基化对基因的表达有着重要的调控作用,另外它还同基因组印记、女性X染色体的基因灭活、细胞增殖、分化发育、肿瘤的发生和发展以及遗传的不稳定性等密切相关。

    Methylation plays an important regulating role in genetic expression , in addition it has a close correlation with the imprinting of genetic group , genetic deactivation of female X chromosomal , cell proliferation , differentiation development , occurrence and development of tumors as well as genetic instability .

  7. 这些研究结果为最终阐述BWS的发病机理和基因组印记的遗传学特征与生物学意义提供了重要依据。

    The results of these researches have provided an important basis for the final explanation of the mechanism of BWS and the genetic feature and biological significance of genomic imprinting .

  8. 哺乳动物基因组印记的细胞记忆机理初探

    Study on the Mechanism of Cell Memory for Mammalian Genomic Imprinting

  9. 基因组印记对个体发育及动物克隆的影响

    The Effects of Genomic Imprinting on Animal Development and Cloning

  10. 哺乳动物基因组印记的研究进展

    Recent Advance of Genomic Imprinting in Mammal

  11. 基因组印记(又称遗传印记)是指基因根据亲代的不同而有不同的表达。

    Genomic imprinting ( genetic imprinting ) refers to parent of origin dependent gene expression .

  12. 哺乳动物的基因组印记与印记基因疾病

    Genetic Imprinting and Disease of Mammals

  13. 基因组印记的研究进展

    The Research Progress in Genome imprinting

  14. 目前,对基因组印记的研究主要集中在人和小鼠中,在家畜特别是猪中研究比较少。

    At present , most studies on genomic imprinting are in human and mouse but little in livestock .

  15. 综述基因组印记的可能发生机制及人和鼠中常见的印记基因。

    This article reviews the mechanisms of genomic imprinting and several commonly imprinted genes in human and mouse .

  16. 基因组印记病主要表现为过度生长、生长迟缓、智力障碍、行为异常。

    Abnormal imprinting effects are associated with clinical disorders of overgrowth , undergrowth , mental retardation , or behavior abnormalities .

  17. 实验显示,很多后来变胖的小孩,其实刚出生时的基因组印记就已经不同了。

    This step showed that in many cases , youngsters who were overweight had displayed different chemical marks on their DNA at birth .

  18. 另外,由于基因组印记属于表观遗传学的范畴,本实验还对胚乳中参与调控表观遗传修饰的有关基因进行了定量表达分析。

    In addition , because genomic imprinting belongs to the category of epigenetics , some genes which were involved in epigenetic modification were quantitatively analyzed .

  19. 基因组印记是由于父源或母源的等位基因受到“标记”而发生的不符合孟德尔遗传定律的特殊遗传现象。

    Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism that produces functional differences between the paternal and maternal genomes and plays an essential role in mammalian development and growth .

  20. 所谓遗传印记,又称基因组印记,是指根据遗传信息的亲代来源决定等位基因的一个表达,而另一个沉默,即等单位表达。

    So-called genetic imprinting , also named genome imprinting , refers to the genetic information according to parental origin to determine the expression of allele , while another ' silent ' .

  21. 阐述了基因组印记的可能机制及一些最新定位的印记基因,并论述了基因组印记在发育生物学、遗传学和物种进化研究中的生物学意义。

    It covers data on mechanisms of gene imprinting , several imprinted genes that were recently identified and the biological significance of genome imprint in development , genetics and Darwinian evolution .

  22. 铝耐受筛选在杂交育种中是有效的,并且玉米铝胁迫的基因组印记可能发生在胚阶段。这些研究从表观遗传学角度对玉米耐铝性的复杂机制提供了可能的解释。

    Al stress was effective in screening for heterosis and could be imprinted in maize at embryonic stage . Hence , these studies provide possible explanations on the complexity of Al tolerance mechanism from an epigenetic aspect in maize .

  23. 基因组印记是后代仅表达亲本单拷贝基因的现象,植物印记主要发生在胚乳,具有调控胚乳发育及影响种子大小的作用。

    Genomic imprinting is a phenomenon that the gene is expressed primarily or exclusively from either the maternal or paternal allele and plant imprinting has been described primarily in endosperm . It plays a role in regulating endosperm development and affecting seed size .