
  1. 客体分析首先明确了小城镇街道类型;

    The object analysis has first been clear about the small cities street type ;

  2. 接着对冷地小城镇街道景观的影响因素进行分析。

    Then carries on the analysis to coldly the small cities street landscape influence factor .

  3. 一个人的办公地点或居住地城镇街道号码的详情。

    Details of number , street and town where an office is or where a person lives .

  4. 本论文将运用城市设计学科的理论,探索小城镇街道空间的城市设计原则及方法。

    This paper applies urban design theory to explore urban design principle and method relating to town streets .

  5. 在东德,狭窄的中世纪城镇街道上堵满了二手汽车。

    In eastern Germany , the narrow cobbled streets of medieval towns had jammed solid with second-hand cars .

  6. 其中,小城镇街道空间尺度的巨大变化可以说是其空间环境问题中比较突出的一方面。

    In these problems , the great change of the street space scale is regarded as the primary one .

  7. 各小城镇街道灰尘中的氮磷含量表现为:FJ>ZJJ>SJ。

    The nitrogen and phosphorus content in the street dust of the three small towns could be ordered as follows : FJ > ZJJ > SJ .

  8. 接着,本论文从空间形态的整合和街道景观的创建两个方面,阐述我国小城镇街道更新设计的内容和方法。

    Then the paper discusses the contents and methods of streets renovated design in small town in the view of integrating space shape and building street sight .

  9. 最后作者提出了设计原则,以原则做指导,对冷地小城镇街道景观设计方法分别从三个层次上进行。

    Finally the author proposed the principle of design , makes the instruction by the principle , separately carries on coldly to the small cities street landscape design method from three levels .

  10. 因此迫切需要从理论上进行研究,建立小城镇街道空间的理论框架,并探索具体方法,以指导小城镇街道空间的开发与设计。

    So it is urgent to do some research in theory and set up a complete theoretical system for town streets . Further to explore a specific method to instruct the town street development and design .

  11. 从总体上看,目前针对街道空间的研究偏重于街道本身而缺乏整体控制机制的研究,同时,有关山地城镇街道空间更新的城市设计方向的相关研究仍显不足。

    The present studies of the street space often ken on the street itself lacking of the emphasis on the overall controlling mechanism , while the study of characteristics and form controlling of the street space in the context of urban renewal of the mountain town is still insufficient .

  12. 指城镇、街道,非常繁荣、热闹的意思。

    " Fanhua " means flourishing , bustling or busy , used to describe a city or a street .

  13. 研究了国外传统街道的现状及其保护与开发的经验;并结合我国中小城镇传统街道的现状,剖析了其在保护与开发过程中存在的问题;

    The experiences of protection and realization of traditional districts in foreign countries are summarized . Furthermore some questions lying in Chinese traditional districts are summarized .

  14. 他经过卫兵时,卫兵还友好地对他道晚安,很快他就走在了城镇的街道上。

    He passed the guards , who called out a friendly ' good night ' to him , and soon Toad was walking through the streets of the town .

  15. 对上海市区和郊区城镇中心街道灰尘中铅的含量水平进行了研究,并应用克里格插值法分析了市区街道灰尘中铅的空间分布特征,结果表明:市区街道灰尘中铅的含量为28~4443mg。

    The content of lead in urban street dust of Shanghai is studied , and Kriging analysis is applied to analyze the spatial distribution of lead in street dust of urban area .

  16. 发挥你的想象,看看他们!他们有的正穿行于安静山村的小巷,有的正沿着河边或湖岸,行走在热闹城镇的街道上;

    Behold them with your imagination , going , going , through the lanes of quiet villages ; through the streets of the noisy towns , along the shores of rivers and lakes ;

  17. 他们说,在繁华大城市的中心,人群和过往车辆可提供足够的能量为整个城镇的街道照明或者为一个医院或学校提供供暖系统的动力。

    They say the human and wheeled traffic in a busy city center could provide enough energy to light the streets of an entire town or power the heating system for a hospital or school .

  18. 因此,本文试图通过对一个典型案例小城镇的街道空间尺度问题的具体分析,得出一些结论,希望能为我国快速发展的小城镇的城镇公共空间的建设提供一些可能的建议。

    So this thesis try to analyze the street space scale of a typical town and by this analysis try to put forward some possible suggestions for the construction of the public space of small towns in our country .

  19. 何谓历史街区,即保存文物特别丰富并且具有重大历史价值或革命纪念意义的城镇、街道、村庄,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府核定公布为历史文化街区、村镇。

    They are the town , the street or the village with rich cultural , great history valve or commemoration meaning of revolution , And should be checked and ratified by the government of Province , Autonomous region or municipality directly under the central Government .

  20. 遛车兜风的意思是整个晚上在城镇的主要街道上来来回回地慢速驾车行驶。

    Cruising means to spend the evening driving your car slowly up and down the town 's main street .

  21. 碟片内储存有足够多的信息供选择行车路线,并打印出地区、城镇或各街道的地图。

    The disc stores enough information to offer a choice of routes and to print out maps of regions , or towns or individual streets .

  22. 记忆中的街道总是干干净净,与当下很多城镇遍地垃圾的街道形成强烈的对比!

    In my memory , the street is always clean and have intense contrast with waste in current streets .

  23. 该文对四川传统城镇的空间总体特征、城镇中心和街道空间特征进行了研究。

    This article researches on the space collectivity character , the center of the town and the character of the street space of the traditional town in Sichuan .

  24. 在英式英语中,street不用以指城镇外的道路,而Road一词却可用于城镇街道的名称中

    In British English street is not used for roads outside towns but streets in towns may have the word Road in their names