
  • 网络Earth's sphere;geosphere
  1. 本文把全球变化与人类圈的研究联系起来,用人类圈与其它地球圈层关系的演变来解释当今的全球变化,主要讨论(1)全球系统与地球系统的联系与区别;

    In this paper the author connects the global change with the anthroposphere , and explain-the nowaday global change by use of evolution of the anthroposphere and other geosphere .

  2. 地球圈层耦合扭转机制及其成因

    The origin and Mechaniam of the coupled twisting of earth 's spherical layers

  3. 拆离构造概念的演化与地球圈层;

    The evolution of denudational tecto nics'con-cept and layer zoning of the Earth ;

  4. 地球圈层长周期演化旋回基本特征

    Basic Characters of Long Periodic Cycles of Geo-sphere

  5. 关于地球圈层差异旋转理论研究的综述

    A Survey : the Theoretical Study of Differential Rotation Between Layers Inside the Earth

  6. 地球圈层相互作用中的深海过程和深海记录(I):研究进展与成果

    Interactions Between the Earth Spheres : Deep-sea Processes and Records ( I ) Research Progress and Achivement

  7. 本文着重指出地球圈层耦合扭转的机制,揭示该机制对于板块构造的控制规律。

    This paper describes emphatically the mechanism of the coupling of twisting of the Earth 's individual spherical layers , that controls the plate tectonics .

  8. 侏罗-白垩纪地球圈层演化节律及相互关系(2)拆离构造概念的演化与地球圈层;

    RHYTHMS OF DIFFERENT GEOSPHERES AND THEIR RELATIONS IN MIDDLE JURASSIC & EARLY CRETACEOUS ( 2 ) The evolution of denudational tecto nics'con-cept and layer zoning of the Earth ;

  9. 由五大系统11个实验室组成的项目组,2000&2005年开展了以地球圈层相互作用为主题的深海基础研究。

    A deep-sea basic research project was conducted with successes from 2000 to 2005 under the title " Interactions between the Earth spheres : Deep-sea processed and records ", involving 11 laboratories from 5 administration systems in China .

  10. 通过对众多剖面的研究,以及对石炭纪以来包括全球构造运动、海平面升降、沉积作用、气候变迁、生物界演化等诸多资料的综合分析,阐述了地球圈层演变过程的周期性和阶段性特征。

    By studies on lots of sections and data about global tectonic movement , sea level fluctuation , sedimentary process , climate variation , and biosphere evolvement , the periodicity and the staged character of evolutive process of geo sphere were expatiated .

  11. 如地球圈层的形成与演化,大陆伸展与裂谷,资源与能源等,均为深部物质运移和物理学、化学效应及地质构造耦合的产物。

    For example , formation and evolution of spheres and layers of the earth , continent extension and rift as well as mineral and energy resources , etc. all are the coupling products among deep substances migration , physical chemical effects and geological structures .

  12. 同时,地球其他圈层中也出现了明显的变化:大气圈中有大气环流的改变、大气CO2质量分数的变化;

    At the same time , obvious changes took place in other sphere too : changes of atmospheric circulation and CO 2 levels ( the atmosphere );

  13. 地球各圈层相互作用的大地测量研究和检测

    Geodetic Research and detection of interaction between various earth layers

  14. 科氏力是地球各圈层差异旋转的原因。

    Coriolis force is the reason for earth differential rotation .

  15. 地球不同圈层的稀有气体同位素具有不同的特征同位素比值。

    Rare gases in different spheres of the earth have different characteristic isotopic ratios .

  16. 地球多圈层相互作用的科学目的是建立地球大系统科学。

    The final goal of the research on interaction between layers within the earth is to establish a big system science of the earth .

  17. 在这个封闭的系统中,地球各圈层的力学过程和耦合作用以角动量交换的模式进行。

    In this isolated system , the interactions between various parts of the Earth are acted in the form of the exchanges of angular momentum .

  18. 生态系的演变是地球各圈层系统耦合关系变化的直接标志。

    The development of ecosystem is the direct marker of the change of the coupling relationship among the various earth systems ( earth 's spheres ) .

  19. 元素富集成矿的过程实质上是元素在地球不同圈层和不同相以及不同集合体之间分配的结果。

    In essence , the enrichment and ore formation of ore metals result from the partitioning of ore metals among different layers , different phases and different aggregates .

  20. 风化壳是岩石圈、大气圈以及水圈、生物圈之间相互作用的界面,能够直接记录地球多圈层演化的信息。

    Weathering crust is an interaction interface between the lithosphere , the atmosphere , the hydrosphere and biosphere , and thus keeps abundant information concerning the evolution of the Earth 's multi spheres .

  21. 这个观点认为,从宇宙总体系银河系太阳系地月系地球各圈层,乃至分子,原子,都属不同的层次。

    The systematology predicts that , from universal system as a whole , including Galaxy , solar system , earth-moon system and all layers of the earth , even to moleculars and atoms , they are all belong to different layers .

  22. 地球内部各圈层介质的地震各向异性与地球动力学

    The seismic anisotropy and geodynamics of earth 's interior media

  23. 地球内部物理圈层形成演化模式

    Evolution pattern of physical layers in earth interior

  24. 地球内部各圈层的结构和构造在本质上是不均匀的和各向异性的。

    The structure and tectonic of Earth 's interior media are intrinsically inhomogeneous and anisotropy .

  25. 全球碳循环是指碳元素在地球表层各圈层中的积累和流动的过程。

    Global carbon cycle refers to accumulations and fluxes of carbon element in all spheres of earth surface system .

  26. 它不仅影响到了人类生存与发展的自然基础,而且影响到地球生物化学圈层的结构、功能及地球系统能量与物质循环等方面。

    It has influenced not only the natural basis for human being survive and development , but also the structure , function , energy & material circulation of earth bio-chemical layers .

  27. 地球的中部圈层叫做地幔,它厚约2900公里,其体积约占整个地球体积的百分之84。

    The middle spherical layer of the earth is called mantle which is about two thousand nine hundred kilometers in thickness and makes up eighty-four percent of the earth 's volume .

  28. 在相关研究中高度重视地球深部圈层相互作用,将中生代全球深部地幔事件对中国东部岩石圈地幔全面转型的影响作为今后研究重点。

    Meanwhile , a global link between Mesozoic mantle overturn and transformation of SCLM in eastern China has been proposed and stressed , which opens a variety of research approaches to further studies .

  29. 河口&近海系统作为地球四大圈层(水圈、生物圈、岩石圈、气圈)的交汇地带,其陆海相互作用最为活跃、生态环境脆弱、演变机制复杂、科学内涵丰富。

    Estuaries and coastal system is the connection region of Earth Geosphere ( hydrosphere , biosphere , lithosphere , atmosphere ), and its land-ocean interaction is the most active , ecological environment is frail and mechanism is complex .

  30. 研究地球内部结构、圈层耦合和深层动力过程是一系列地学前沿问题的基础。

    The scientific problems of the exchange of substance and energy , of the different sphere coupling and of the deep process within the Earth are the inevitability for the development and the quantitative study of Earth science in recent years .