
  • 网络Library Development;library
  1. 《图书馆建设》1990-2004年统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis of the Library Development from 1990 to 2004

  2. 图形发生器图形生成程序蔡元培先生图书馆建设思想研究刍议

    Graphics generator Discussion on Cai Yuanpei 's Thoughts of Library Development

  3. CALIS成员馆数字图书馆建设现状调查

    Current Status of Digital Library Construction in CALIS Member Libraries

  4. 文献资源建设是大学城图书馆建设的核心,它的最基本原则应该是与CALIS的总体发展目标相一致。

    The construction of document resources is the core of the construction of libraries in university towns whose basic principles should be in accordance with the CALIS overall target .

  5. 高校通过加入中国高等教育文献保障系统(CALIS)项目,实施校内数字图书馆建设,不断建设精品课程,提高高校教育教学质量。

    University should join the ChinaAcademic Library & Information System ( CALIS ), and build digital library in school , and build best courses constantly , we will improve the quality of teaching .

  6. 国防科技数字图书馆建设初探

    Preliminary Exploration of National Defense Scientific and Technical Digital Library Construction

  7. 新疆生产建设兵团数字图书馆建设研究

    Study on Developing Digital Library in Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps

  8. 高校图书馆建设的系统工程观

    The System Project of the Development of College and University Libraries

  9. 中国民族数字图书馆建设研究

    A Study on the Construction of Nationality Digital Libraries in China

  10. 新世纪党校图书馆建设的思考

    How to Build the Party School Library in the New Century

  11. 社会主义新农村背景下的农村图书馆建设

    Construction of Rural Libraries under the Background of New Socialist Rural Areas

  12. 高校多校区图书馆建设问题探讨

    Probe into the Construction of Multi-campus Libraries in the University

  13. 就图书馆建设对三个代表的思考

    Thinking about " the three-representing " on development of library

  14. 面向知识创新的图书馆建设研究

    The Study of Library Construction Based on the Knowledge Creating

  15. 加强西部基层图书馆建设的思考

    Reflection on Enhancing Development of Grass-roots Library in Western Region of China

  16. 我省高校数字化图书馆建设面临的问题及其对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Constructing University Digital Libraries in Hainan

  17. 信息资源建设是现代图书馆建设的重要组成部分。

    Information resources construction is an important part of modern library construction .

  18. 突出专业特色,促进艺术学校图书馆建设

    Focusing on discipline features , Promoting the library constructing of Art School

  19. 建立读者成果档案为图书馆建设服务

    File Readers ' Achievements to Promote the Construction of Liberary

  20. 高校图书馆建设与学术研究探讨

    Interaction between library 's construction and academic research of university

  21. 数字鸿沟视阈下的数字图书馆建设

    The digital library construction under " Digital divide " vision

  22. 代建制与自建制在图书馆建设中的利弊

    The Advantage and Disadvantage of Construction Substitute and Self-construction in the Library

  23. 新千年的挑战:关于中国数字图书馆建设实践的思考

    Bicentennial Challenge : Speculations on China Digital Library Construction Practice

  24. 我国数字图书馆建设的人力资源危机

    Human resource crisis in China 's digital library development

  25. 以用户为中心,充分利用信息技术促进数字资源整合是数字图书馆建设到一定阶段出现的新任务。

    It is a new task to promote the user-centered digital library construction .

  26. 电子资源与现代化高校图书馆建设

    The Electronics Resources and Developments of Modern University Library

  27. 高校合并后的图书馆建设

    The Construction of Library after the Conbination of Colleges

  28. 高校数字化图书馆建设的关键:信息资源建设

    The Key of the Construction of University Digital Libraries : Information Resources Construction

  29. 高职院校图书馆建设中的关系论

    The Theory of the Relations in the Construction of Higher Vocational College Library

  30. 浙江林学院的发展与图书馆建设

    Development of Zhejiang Forestry College and Its Library Construction