
  • 网络International Dark-Sky Association
  1. 国际暗天协会(TheInternationalDarkSkyAssociation)估计,不必要或低效的人造光源每年浪费约30亿美元。

    The International Dark Sky Association estimates that unnecessary or inefficient4 artificial light wastes about three billion US Dollars every year .

  2. 纳米比亚的自然保护区是由国际暗天协会评定的,第一个实现黄金级暗天状态的自然保护区。这意味着那里的天空质量很适合眺望。

    The NamibRand Nature Reserve in Namibia was the first reserve to achieve Gold Tier dark-sky status from the International Dark-Sky Association , which means its sky quality is ideal for stargazing .