
ɡuó jiā tǐ yù zǒnɡ jú
  • State Sport General Administration;State Physical Culture Administration
  1. 举办中国大学生排球联赛的目的是为了适应在新的形势下教育部和国家体育总局对学校体育工作的要求。

    The purpose of holding Chinese Volleyball League is to adapt to the new situation that the Ministry of Education and the State Sport General Administration of school physical education requirements .

  2. 从1999年开始,国家体育总局着手创建体育彩票公益金扶持的青少年体育俱乐部,到如今逐年分批在全国各地已创建数千所国家级青少年体育俱乐部。

    Since 1999 , the State Sport General Administration started to support some national youth sports clubs with sports lottery annually , and there are thousands of such national youth sports clubs nowadays .

  3. 国家体育总局要求完善风险管理,建立更加全面的应急方案。

    The General Administration of Sport of China urged better risk management and more comprehensive contingency plans .

  4. 新体操等级规定动作(以下简称新规定动作)是2006年国家体育总局审定公布的体操技术动作等级标准。

    New gymnastics rank compulsory exercise is approved by National Sports Bureau in 2006 .

  5. 1995-2004年国家体育总局立项课题特点分析

    Analysis on the Projects Sponsored by General Administration of Sport from 1995 to 2004

  6. 国家体育总局办公楼和乒乓球、举重训练馆

    Office building of the State Sports Bureau and training halls of table tennis and weight-lifting

  7. 一个由国家体育总局棋牌运动管理中心运行的在线平台于近日成立。

    An online platform run by the Athletic Chess and Cards Management Center was recently established .

  8. 《中国民用航空总局公报》出版国家体育总局的性质和法律地位

    CAAC Gazette to Be Published Nature and Legal Position of All-China General Bureau of Physical Culture and Sports

  9. 国家体育总局李志坚书记对体育研究提出建设性的意见。

    General secretary LI Zhi-jian of General Administration of Sport points out the constructive opinions on China sports .

  10. 对中国国家体育总局网球运动管理中心来说,如果李娜是上述大多数空手而归的选手之一,他们就得找找原因。

    For the Chinese Tennis Association , if Li Na is among the majority , they try to identify why .

  11. 三是国家体育总局与中华全国体育总会、中国奥委会的关系。

    The third one is the relationship between General Administration of Sports , Chinese Athletic Federation and Chinese Olympic Committee .

  12. 国家体育总局体育社会科学、软科学课题选题实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Topic Selection of General Sport Administration of China 's Sport Social Sciences and Soft Science Study

  13. 2000年9月国家体育总局制定了《中国体育彩票全民健身工程管理暂行规定》。

    National bureau of sports formulated the Interim management Provisions of China Sports Lottery National Fitness Project in September , 2000 .

  14. 国家体育总局已宣布,如果中国运动员在奥运会上被发现违反兴奋剂规则,将被终身禁赛。

    Doping at the Olympic Games will result in a life-time ban for Chinese athletes , the General Administration of Sports said .

  15. 此外,通过网游平台参赛的玩家将获得国家体育总局发放的大师分。

    In addition , players who participate via online gaming platforms will receive master points granted by China 's General Administration of Sports .

  16. 1996-2002年国家体育总局社会科学课题立项状况分析研究方法在制约我们的追求吗?&阅读《体育科学》2003年社会科学论文的联想

    Analysis on the affairs of sports research item defined by state sport general administration of China during 1996-2002 Research Methodology Restricting Our Pursuit

  17. 1999年,国家体育总局提出在体育彩票公益金的捐助下创建青少年体育俱乐部。

    In 1999 , juvenile sports club was set up by the National Sports Bureau under the sponsoring of sports lottery public accumulated fund .

  18. 国国家体育总局的科学家们认为,“呼哈”对于世界人口第一大国中国公众的身体需要至关重要。

    Scientists at China 's General Sports Administration think the hoohah is critical to the physical needs of the world 's most populous nation .

  19. 中国国家体育总局已经就此事件引发的“负面影响”道歉,并承诺对此事进行调查。

    The Chinese General Administration of Sport apologized for the " negative influence " caused by the incident and promised an investigation into the matter .

  20. 2009年7月,国家体育总局和教育部发布了《关于开展全国青少年校园足球活动的通知》。

    In July 2009 , General Administration of Sport and Ministry of Education released " a notice about developing the national youth campus football activity " .

  21. 当刘翔与他的教练从国家体育总局得知这个消息后都非常感动。

    Liu and his coach were greatly moved when they learnt the content of the telegraph from the top officials of the General Administration of Sport .

  22. 尼尔森控股和国家体育总局的调查称,有健身观念的人,月均运动7.5次,年均花1万元以保持好身材,保持健康。

    The Nielsen-GASC survey said fitness-minded people take exercise 7.5 times per month , and spend 10000 yuan per year on average to stay fit and healthy .

  23. 本规程最终解释权属国家体育总局小球运动管理中心、中国高尔夫球协会及中国女子职业高尔夫巡回赛。

    The Multi-ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport of China , China Golf Association and China LPGA Tour reserve all rights to the rules .

  24. 此外,国家体育总局也在考虑成立国家长跑队,所有的运动员均来自“高原发展计划”。

    In addition , the General Administration of Sport is considering setting up a national distance-running team , with all members to be selected from the program .

  25. 在今后的立法中,应明确立法的原则、监护人的首要责任、国家体育总局的安全保护义务。

    In the future legislation , the legislation principles , the privacy duty of the guardians and the obligation of the State Sport General Admistration should be clearly defined .

  26. 据介绍,这项大学生滑水赛得到国际滑水联合会批准,由国家体育总局和天津市人民政府联合承办。

    Sources said that the university water-skiing event has been approved by the Water-Skiing Association and is co-sponsored by the State General Sports Administration and the Tianjin Municipal People 's Government .

  27. 教育部、国家体育总局课题中有关大学体育的科研课题主要集中在大学体育训练与竞赛、大学体育发展战略和大学生体质与健康领域。

    Training and competition in P.E , development strategies , students ' physique and health are major projects on college sports in our Ministry of education and general administration of sport .

  28. 通过研究,梳理国家体育总局训练局在改革发展过程中存在的问题并提出相应对策。

    In the analysis , this research is to identify some problems existing in the process of reform and development of National Sports Training Center , and to provide related advice .

  29. 据尼尔森控股有限公司和中国国家体育总局的一项调查显示,我国有350万的健身会员,美国则有5000万名。

    According to a survey by Nielsen Holdings Plc and the General Administration of Sport of China , there are 3.5 million gym members in China compared with 50 million members in the US .

  30. 罗格派人到国家体育总局训练局运动员公寓慰问刘翔,希望刘翔能够尽快恢复伤病重返赛场。

    Rogge sent somebody to the State Sports General Administration Training Council apartment to regard Liu Xiang , hoping that Liu Xiang would be recovered the injury and come back to the contest ASAP .