
è mèng
  • nightmare;horrible dream;frightening dream
噩梦 [è mèng]
  • [nightmare] 引起极度不安或惊恐不已的梦

噩梦[è mèng]
  1. 整个经历就像一场可怕的噩梦。

    The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare .

  2. 我试图申请新护照的过程变成了一场官样文章的噩梦。

    My attempt to get a new passport turned into a Kafkaesque nightmare .

  3. 他仍然做噩梦梦见这场事故。

    He still has nightmares about the accident .

  4. 我们梦想的假日变成了一场噩梦。

    Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare .

  5. 在大白天里,前一天夜里发生的事情就像噩梦般令人难以置信。

    In broad daylight the events of the night before seemed like a bad dream .

  6. 毕业税具体操作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。

    In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare .

  7. 这不是真的,就像儿时的某个荒唐的噩梦一样。

    It was unreal . Like some crazy childhood nightmare

  8. 就像是做了一场噩梦。

    It 's been like living through a nightmare .

  9. 她把分配食物和药品的工作说成是组织管理上的噩梦。

    She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare .

  10. 监狱里的那些年是一场噩梦。

    The years in prison were a nightmare .

  11. 压抑情感的人容易做噩梦。

    People who repress their emotions risk having nightmares

  12. 他们做噩梦,经常从梦中惊醒。

    They have nightmares , they startle easily .

  13. 要不是因为反复做噩梦,她可能已经把她彻底忘了。

    She might have forgotten her completely had it not been for recurrent nightmares .

  14. 他老是做油箱爆炸的噩梦。

    He has nightmares about the tanks imploding .

  15. 噩梦扰得我整夜未眠。

    Nightmares kept me awake all night .

  16. 我常做很吓人的噩梦。

    I often have the most terrible nightmares

  17. 莫琳已将噩梦抛诸脑后。

    Maureen put the nightmare behind her

  18. “好了,好了,”妈妈说,“你只是做了一个很可怕的噩梦。”

    ' There , there , ' said Mum . ' You 've been having a really bad dream . '

  19. 参与者都觉得这是一场噩梦,但我相信其结局会是圆满的。

    People involved in it think it 's a nightmare , but I 'm sure it will work itself out .

  20. 他从可怕的噩梦中惊醒。

    He woke up from a horrible nightmare .

  21. 他为噩梦所折磨。

    He is troubled by [ with ] nightmare .

  22. 我做了个在湖里淹死的噩梦。

    I had a nightmare about being drowned in a lake .

  23. 近来简常受噩梦的搅扰。

    Jane has been troubled with bad dreams recently .

  24. 这一切犹如一场噩梦。

    The whole thing was a nightmare .

  25. "这是一场终极噩梦,"一家知名连锁店的零售主管向《时代》杂志承认。

    " It 's the ultimate nightmare , " a retail executive from a well-known chain admitted to TIME .

  26. “这对我来说是一场噩梦。到处都是游客,有些局面真的很难,”乔治在里亚托桥上穿越人山人海时这样说道。

    It 's a nightmare for me . Some situations are really difficult with tourists around , says Giorgio as he navigates around a swelling crowd at the Rialto Bridge .

  27. 他的话使我从噩梦中解脱出来。

    His words freed me from my bad dreams .

  28. 南非大白鲨,这种通常出现在噩梦和自然纪录片中的动物,神秘地失踪了。蒙瓦比西·锡克维耶亚�鲨鱼观察者组织(SharkSpotters)

    South Africa 's great white sharks – the stuff of nightmares and of nature documentaries – have gone mysteriously missing .

  29. 我庆幸终于从噩梦中醒来了。

    I was glad to awake from such a nightmare .

  30. 我们所有的噩梦都已成真。

    All of our worst nightmares have been realized .
