
qì ɡuān shǔ
  • organ genus
  1. 并论述了公民生存时自愿捐献组织器官应属公民对身体权的支配,该行为应当受到法律的严格限制,遵守一定的立法原则。

    Also it discusses the right to contribute organs when alive and the limitation of this right from the point of law .

  2. 经异速生长分析表明,小肠和肝属早熟的器官,大肠属晚熟的器官,其它属中等早熟的器官。

    The analysis of allometric growth showed small intestine and liver were earlier-maturing than others , large intestine was later-maturing organ .

  3. 杰克逊的其他主要器官,也都属正常。

    Jackson 's other major organs were also found to be normal .

  4. 因此,异种移植即利用动物器官和组织代替人体器官进行移植已成为目前研究的热点,猪被认为是目前最合适的提供异种移植器官的动物种属。

    Therefore , Xenotransplantation , is the use of animals instead of humans as a source of organs , tissues and cells , present a practical solution to the shortage of donated human organs for transplantation .