
  • 网络chapped lips;lips become dry and chapped
  1. 防止嘴唇干裂对于合理的装扮来是是非常重要的,它能防止你的嘴唇结硬皮或流血。

    Preventing chapped lips is important for proper grooming and will help prevent your lips from crusting and bleeding .

  2. 她的嘴唇干裂了。

    Her lips were dry and cracked .

  3. 抑郁、疲劳或缺乏维生素B也可以引起嘴唇干裂。

    They can also develop cracks due to depression , tiredness , or lack of Vitamin B.

  4. 暴露在寒风中,我觉得嘴唇干裂。

    Exposure to the cold wind left my lips feeling dry .

  5. 这是我嘴唇干裂时用的。

    It 's when I have chapped iips .

  6. 切忌,在嘴唇干裂的时候不要吹口琴。

    Make sure that you never play your harmonica while your lips are dry .

  7. 最严重的话你会皮肤干燥,嘴唇干裂。

    The worst you 're going to get are dry skin and cracked lips .

  8. 酒精会使身体脱水,这就是你感到头脑昏沉,眩晕,嘴唇干裂的原因。

    Alcohol dehydrates the body , which explains your pounding headache , dizziness and dry mouth .

  9. 过度暴露在阳光下会导致嘴唇干裂,让你的身体更容易感染病毒。

    Overexposure to the sun can cause dry lips , making your body prone to the virus .

  10. 真相:你的脑袋沉重,嘴唇干裂,甚至不记得自己是怎么回家的。

    TRUTH : Your head 's pounding , your mouth is dry and you can 't remember how you got home .

  11. 老头儿嘴唇干裂,渗出血。女儿把水壶递给他。他摇了摇头。

    The old man 's lips were cracked and bleeding , but he shook his head when she handed him the water bottle .

  12. 很多人都会出现嘴唇、皮肤干裂的现象。

    Many people 's lips and skin are dry and chapped .

  13. 女人的皮肤开始松弛,腰间有了赘肉,她的眼角出现了细碎的皱纹,嘴唇也有些干裂。

    A woman , when becoming old gradually , would have lax skin , fat waist , wrinkles around the corners of eyes and chapped lips .

  14. 小男孩想打口哨时,他的嘴唇变成圆形。切忌,在嘴唇干裂的时候不要吹口琴。

    The little boy 's lips rounded when he tried to whistle . Make sure that you never play your harmonica while your lips are dry .

  15. 嘴唇干燥开裂是很难受的一件事,在寒风凛冽的冬季里,嘴唇很容易干裂,所以记得每天涂唇膏,就算嘴唇不干裂的时候也别忘记。

    Dry , chapped lips can be unsightly and even painful . During the harsh winter months , lips are especially likely to dry out . Wear moisturizing lip balm daily , even when your lips do not feel chapped .