
  • 网络the vehicle;the signifier;tenor;image
  1. 同时,文化对隐喻的形成和表达具有重要的影响,包括对喻体的选择。

    And also , culture has influenced metaphor a lot , including the choices of the Vehicle .

  2. 隐喻可以根据喻体的不同分为许多大类,比如动物隐喻、植物隐喻等等。

    Metaphor can be classified into groups according to types of vehicle , like animal metaphors and plant metaphors .

  3. 同样的喻体在不同的文化中所传递的形象信息往往不同。

    The same figure may convey different image information in different culture .

  4. 论英汉习语中的动物喻体所蕴含的文化内涵

    On Cultural Connotations of Animal References in Idioms of English and Chinese

  5. 因此在喻体的选择上有着很明确的特点。

    So it has a clear feature on choosing images .

  6. 转喻喻体优先选择原则研究

    Research on Principles Governing the Selection of the Preferred Vehicle in Metonymy

  7. 基于这个观点,转喻是一种概念现象和认知过程,人们选择一个喻体为认识本体提供心智可及性,从而达到语言简洁的效果。

    From this perspective , metonymy is a conceptual phenomenon and cognitive process .

  8. 英汉动物喻体语用含义的对比分析借助语用知识透视英汉动物喻体所含文化的寓意

    Contrastive Analysis of the Pragmatic Implication of Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese

  9. 论汉英不同性别的人喻体及喻体能动性的特征

    Discussion on the Person Vehicle of Different Sexes and Characters of Vehicle Capabilities

  10. 而文化是决定习语喻体形象选择的重要因素。

    And culture is a very important factor for vehicles to be chosen .

  11. 英汉隐喻喻体用词比较

    Comparisons between the Use of Words as Metaphoric Bodies in English and Chinese

  12. 作家对喻体的选择植根于本民族文化的土壤之中,因民族不同,造成喻体选择也有所不同。

    Different national cultures have dissimilarity of figurative bodies .

  13. 习语比喻中的喻体比较与翻译

    On the Comparison of Vehicles and Translation of Idiom

  14. 蝴蝶、猫、狐狸是妖女形象常见的几种喻体。

    Butterfly , cats , foxes strange image is common in several Yu .

  15. 语篇中的语旨和语域同本体多喻体隐喻概念的现象

    On the Phenomena of Metaphorical Concepts with the Same Tenor Having More Vehicles

  16. 柏拉图熟练的隐喻手法,丰富的喻体都成为了莱辛直接继承的基础。

    The skilled metaphor technique and rich target domain became inherited foundation of Lessing .

  17. 英汉语之动物喻体的修辞对比及文化含义

    Rhetoric Comparison of English and Chinese on Animal Noun Forms and Its Cultural Implication

  18. 从认知角度看隐喻翻译中的喻体意象转换

    Transfer of the vehicle 's image in translation

  19. 喻体所指不同性别的人时,喻体能动性会产生差异。

    When vehicles point to persons of different sexes , vehicle capabilities can cause difference .

  20. 相同的喻体,不同的喻义;

    Same image , different sense ;

  21. 首先,对在非基本颜色词形成中意义重大的隐喻进行了系统的研究,特别是对这一系列隐喻的喻体进行了分析。

    Firstly , the metaphors that utilized in the forming of non-basic colour terms were examined .

  22. 喻体和喻义的缺失。

    Absence of image and sense .

  23. 隐喻翻译涉及三个概念:本体、喻体和喻意。

    And there are three terms concerned with metaphor translation : object , image and sense .

  24. 习语喻体的模糊性即指喻体所体现的不同认知方式。

    Hence , the fuzziness of vehicles in idioms means different cognitive styles reflected in vehicles .

  25. 因此形式就有本体、喻体和比喻词三个成份。

    Therefore there is form of ontology , Yu and the three components of the word metaphor .

  26. 虽然明喻和隐喻都是将本体和喻体进行比较,但是二者间存在着本质区别。

    Similes and metaphors are both figures of comparison , however , they are different in essence .

  27. 而部分喻体式隐喻,本、喻体同现的隐喻以及本、喻体和喻底同现的隐喻都会不同程度上导致隐喻理解上的困难。

    However , there are different degrees of difficulty in understanding the other three types of metaphors .

  28. 构成合成名词的方法是:或用人体、动物等作喻体,或以典型特征代替另一种事物,以作者代作品等等。

    By using examples , the author analysed and summerized the compound nouns'rhetoric functions as metaphor and metonymy .

  29. 文章分析了汉英习语的喻体及其联想效果上存在对应的关系。

    This article is a contrastive study of Chinese and English idioms in their images and associative meanings .

  30. 文章从喻体的典型性、主观性和时域性三个方面对喻体的特征进行了研究。

    This article elaborates characteristics of vehicles from three aspects : typicality , subjectivity , regionalism and temporality .