
  1. 吴经熊法律实践研究(1917-1949)

    Study on John C.H. Wu 's Legal Practice ( 1917-1949 )

  2. 我第一次听到吴经熊的名字是在1944年一次去悉尼的访问中。

    On a visit to Sydney in1944 I first heard of John Wu .

  3. 在吴经熊身上,体现的是信仰,但不是欧洲。

    Here in John Wu , was the Faith , and here was not Europe .

  4. 第二章从人文主义的视角具体考察了吴经熊、林语堂等人的译介活动。

    From the perspective of humanism , the second chapter has concretely investigated the translation activities about John C.H.Wu and Lin Yutang .