
  1. 吴思科在耶路撒冷与以色列副总理达恩•梅里多尔会面后,发表了评论。

    Wu made the comments after meeting with Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor in Jerusalem .

  2. 中国中东问题特使吴思科表示,试图用军事手段解决叙利亚危机只会使形势更加严峻。

    Chinese special envoy to the Middle East Wu Sike says trying to solve the Syria crisis with military means will only make the situation worse .

  3. 吴思科表示,国际特使拉赫达尔•卜拉希米提出了停火倡议,如果这一倡议能实现的话,那将是政治解决叙利亚危机的良好开端。

    He also said that if well implemented , the cease-fire proposed by international special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi , would be a good start for a political solution to the crisis .