
  1. 在驱车前往自2009年就已废弃的一处炼焦煤矿的路上,普大煤业(pudacoal)首席财务官吴琼(labywu)说道:“一年前,这条路上全是运煤的卡车。”

    Driving towards a coking coal mine that has been idle since 2009 , laby Wu , chief financial officer of Puda coal , observes : " a year ago this road would have been full of coal trucks . "

  2. 如今,山西的整合项目正进入尾声吴琼表示,他们的炼焦煤矿最迟将于今年年底前投产。

    Today , the consolidation process is wrapping up in Shanxi Ms Wu says their coking coal mine has a deadline to start production by the end of this year .