
  • 网络Ng Ching-fai
  1. 其国际意义等。开幕礼今早举行,由校长吴清辉教授和清华大学教育研究所樊富民教授主礼。

    Officiating at the opening ceremony were Professor Ng Ching-fai , President and Vice-Chancellor , and Professor Fan Fumin of TU.

  2. 校长吴清辉教授在今日(二月九日)举行的委任礼上,为代表团同学颁发委任章。

    A ceremony to mark the teams'send-off to the conferences was held today ( 9 February ) with Professor Ng Ching-fai , President and Vice-Chancellor , officiating .

  3. 校长吴清辉教授致辞说,感恩崇拜是他每年都非常珍惜的时刻,因为可与同学见面,为他们的毕业考试打打气。

    Professor Ng said at graduation time , some students had clear ambitions for their life while others were uncertain .

  4. 吴清辉校长致辞时,对陈氏家族各成员对教育事业的关怀深表铭感。

    Speaking at the ceremony , Professor Ng expressed his profound gratitude to the Chan Family for their support in education .

  5. 吴清辉校长感谢《信报》的慷慨捐赠,并赞扬该报在行内具公信力和权威性。

    President Ng Ching-fai thanked HKEJ for its generous support to the University and paid tribute to HKEJ as one of the most credible and authoritative newspapers in Hong Kong .

  6. 吴清辉校长表示,持续教育学院早于1995年与美国西密芝根大学合办「2+2课程」,是本港副学士课程的先驱。

    Professor Ng Ching-fai recalled that SCE , a pioneer in offering Associate Degree programmes in Hong Kong , began by collaborating with Western Michigan University to offer a " 2 + 2 " programme in1995 .