- Backscatter;back scattering;rediffusion;retrodiffusion

The ratio of back scattering coefficient to total scattering coefficient ( ratio ) appeared a bimodal distribution with the higher value in the daytime ; SSA peak value appeared at15:00 .
Using the FDTD method , the back scattering of a lossy anisotropic plate is analyzed when the plate is illuminated by a plane transient electromagnetic wave .
Meanwhile , the backscattering coefficient and depolarization formulations of Gaussian rough surface have been deduced .
The back scattering Raman signal with the information of temperature is weak or completely submerged in noise .
The applications of m sequence and FH sequence to ionospheric backscattering sounding
At the first a correlated gamma-distributed RCS variable is generated according to the statistic model of natural scene .
She proved SAR echo was the Chirp Z-transform of radar backscatter coefficients of target field on range dimension .
Calculating Backscattering From a Conducting Flat Plate Coated With RAM Using MoM in Conjunction With LIBC
The error of the measurement caused by the atmospheric back - scattering ratio R_b can 't be ignored .
Modem circuits and signal waveforms are provided to indicate the detecting procedure of m and FH sequences .
A simulation model for the radar backscattering cross section of the sea surface has been developed based on the radar imaging mechanism of underwater bottom topography .
Measurment of Turbid Media ′ s Backscattering Mueller Matrix
The mode characteristics and the pulse compression phenomenon of backward stimulated Brillouin scattering ( SBS ) in CS2 light waveguide of different sizes are investigated .
It obtains scattering characteristics of each resolution cell under different combinations of receiving and transmitting polarization , and records back scattering information of targets more completely than single-polarization SAR .
An approximate technique using ray-tracing and equivalent current method is adopted for calculating the backscattering fields and backscattering RCS of metal vertical stabilizers .
Because of the backscatters , SAR images are contaminated by speckle noises which lower image quality and mask image structure . Therefore , noise-smoothing is the first step in the image processing .
Based on the conventional RD model , different backscattering models are applied to simulation for different topographic characteristics , such as alpine terrain or flat terrain .
For both of Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering exist in lower atmosphere , the backscattering ratio Rb is needed to calibrate the wind speed response curve .
These functions provide a sound explanation for the experimental phenomena about the increase of backscattering light from tissue , which can 't be well explained by HG phase function .
Using the Phong lighting model to simulate the backscatter characteristics of plane facets . The reflective coefficients of triangles in the 3D terrain model are corresponding to backscatter coefficients of facets .
Employing the Mueller matrix solution of random non-spherical particles , fully polarimetric scattering from heterogeneous canopy surfaces with 3-dimensional spatial structure is calculated .
The conventional monos-tatic SAS imaging is based on the point target assumption , where the fluctuation of the Target Scattering Patten ( TSP ) within the synthetic aperture is not considered , and only backscatter echo from the target is used .
In this paper , the relationship between the microwave backscattering coefficient and soil moisture of bare and vegetation ( sweet potato , soybean and peanut ) - covered fields is discussed , and the comparision between the results of X - and C-bands is made .
The backscattered signals from buildings at 7.8 km are obtained with a fairly good SNR when the laser output is about 5 W.
The basic synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) equations , which are used to determine the echo power , the signal to noise ratio before and after detection , the average transmission power and the noise equated σ° have been derived in detail .
By using Mie scattering laser lidar , aerosol extinction coefficient and backscatter coefficient were inverted by using Lidar returns and Klett inversion method .
Using the Ku band scatterometer data from SAAS ( 1978 ) and NSCAT ( 1996 ) for differential analysis , the regions showing remarkable fluctuations are given .
As an example , the radar backscattering characteristics at 94 GHz is given .
The second part introduce some basal concept example turbid media , scattering , backscattering quality and so on . It expresses the mathematic tools for the scattering , such as Stokes vector quantity and Mueller matrix .
Different with the traditional IFOG , MZ-IFOG use optical path separation , prior to transmission , which avoid the interferometric noises brought by the backward scattering and reflecting light and the Kerr effect noise .