
  1. 股指期货与现货之间的相关性是影响套期保值效果的重要因素,也是选择期货合约品种的重要依据。

    Correlation between stock index futures and spots is an important factor influencing hedging performance and the basis for future contract selection .

  2. 在重推国债期货的过程中应根据合约品种的交易特点和标的国债规模设置持仓限制制度。

    In the relaunching of treasury future market , we should set limits for share holdings according to the different traits of trading contracts and treasury volume . 3 .

  3. 其次,随着未来股指期货合约品种的增多,投资者究竟应当如何选择期货合约种类和头寸来进行套期保值是非常值得研究的。

    Second , with the increase in varieties of stock index futures contracts , it is very worthy of study on how should investors choose the types and positions of futures contracts to hedge .

  4. 持仓量最大的期货合约或品种。

    That future having the largest number of open contracts .

  5. 这些对策主要包括:降低运输费用、运用动态追踪套期保值方法、增强大豆补贴政策的稳定性和丰富期货合约的品种等。

    The solutions contain decreasing the transportation cost , using dynamic hedging methods , improving the certainly of soybean subsidy policy and enriching the contract .

  6. 衍生品市场改革可能将迫使大量定制合约成为公开交易品种,而合约标准化会使利润下降。

    Reform of derivatives markets will probably push a lot of the trading of bespoke contracts out into the open , where standardised contracts will offer thinner margins .