
yè mài
  • vein;leaf vein;leaf venation
叶脉 [yè mài]
  • [leaf vein;leaf venation] 植物学名词。分布于叶肉内的维管束

叶脉[yè mài]
  1. 去除这个主叶脉被称为“剥离”。

    Removal of this main leaf vein is called'stripping ' .

  2. 基于人工神经网络的叶脉信息提取&植物活体机器识别研究Ⅰ

    Extraction of Leaf Vein Features Based on Artificial Neural Network & Studies on the Living Plant Identification ⅰ

  3. 叶脉把养料和水分分配给整张叶子。

    Leaf veins distribute food and water throughout the leaf .

  4. 烟叶脉坏死病毒原鉴定及cDNA克隆与序列分析

    Identification , cDNA Cloning and Sequencing of a Virus Causing Tobacco Veinal Necrosis

  5. 基于Voronoi图的植物叶脉建模方法

    Leaf venation generation method based on Voronoi diagram

  6. 对于叶片的生成,本文采用Bezier参数曲线描述叶子中脉的形状,把树叶或草叶构成的星形结构纹理图象嵌入到叶脉参数曲线的局部标架中来实现。

    As for the leaves , we use Bezier curves to describe shape of leaf midrib .

  7. 这是安古斯图拉树皮,当地人称其为pitcherina,但是Mike却是通过其叶子上厚厚的红色叶脉来辨别。

    This is besmear angostura known to the locals as pitcherina . But Mike recognizes it by the thick red veins in its leaves .

  8. 至七叶期,缺Zn与缺Cu、Zn培养的稻苗,新叶脉间均出现黄白色条纹,叶片呈卷曲状的缺Zn症状。

    By the seventh leaf stage , the seedlings in Zn deficient and ( Cu + Zn ) deficient solutions showed symptoms of Zn deficienty . New leaves twisted and yellowish strips occured between veins .

  9. 静脉;叶脉血从割破的静脉中流出。vt.减少;

    vein Blood poured from the cut vein .

  10. 植物叶面的造型采用Bezier参数曲线描述叶子中脉的形状,然后将叶子的纹理图象嵌入到叶脉曲线的局部标架中。

    We use Bezier curves to describe the shape of leaf midrib and embed the image of leaf into the space of local frames along the midrib curve .

  11. 叶脉数量增多、维管束体积增大均与C4途径的表达程度显著正相关。

    There was a significant positive correlation between increasing numbers of veins or volume of vascular bundle per unit leaf area and the extent of performed C4 photosynthetic pathway .

  12. 叶脉韧皮部细胞膜上ATPase活性在缺镁时较低,电镜下观察到细胞膜上黑色的铅沉淀少;

    ATPase location in plasma membrane of phloem cells in lateral veins and major veins was based on Pb precipitate observed with electron microscope . Mg deficiency seemed to inhibit ATPase activity in phloem cells .

  13. 柑橘果皮,嫩茎和叶脉的C4途径酶活性显著高于叶片,但低于C4植物玉米或与其相当。

    The activity of C4 pathway key enzyme in pericarp , stem and fresh shoot were significant higher than in citrus leaf and lower or equals to in maize leaf .

  14. 31份野生蜡梅的叶片长度、宽度、长宽比、叶面积、叶脉,以及百叶干重均存在极显著的差异(P0.01)。

    The traits such as the length , width , length-width ratio , leaf area , number of leaf vein and dry leaves weight of mature leaves were significant different ( P0.01 ) in 31 randomly selected materials .

  15. 尽管薇甘菊叶片为典型C3植物特征,结果发现了茎以及主叶脉内存在类似C4途径的、具有丰富叶绿体的维管束鞘结构。

    Although leaf photosynthesis of this weed is of the C3 type , a C4-like vascular bundle full of chlorophyll was observed in the main vein of the leaf and young stems .

  16. 该体系是以1cm2左右带叶脉的幼嫩叶切片为外植体;

    The results showed that petiole Rieger begonia leaf with main vein ( 1 cm2 ) was used as explants ;

  17. 有主叶脉的苔和有裂缝口缘长茎蒴果。

    Mosses having costate leaves and long-stalked capsules with cleft peristome .

  18. 这些植物长有浅粉红色的花和粗叶脉的叶子。

    These plants have pale pink flowers and deeply veined leaves .

  19. 叶脉5条,韧皮纤维很发达。

    Veins and well-developed phloem fiber were observed in leaf . 4 .

  20. 福建防己科植物叶脉序比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Leaf Venation of Menispermaceae in Fujian

  21. 叶片由表皮、叶肉和叶脉组成。

    The blade consisted of epidermis , mesophyll and vein .

  22. 叶脉中木质部比重越大,越有利于水分的传输。

    Large proportion of xylem benefit to the water transfer .

  23. 单瓣的紫罗兰色花。深绿色叶,叶脉向上凸起。标准型。

    Single violet . Dark green , quilted . Standard .

  24. 半重瓣桃色到象牙白色花,黄褐色的晕染。青铜绿色的叶,叶脉向上气状突起。标准型。

    Semidouble peach-ivory / tawny shading . Bronze-green , quilted . Standard .

  25. 栅栏组织较厚,叶脉则无明显差异。

    Thick of palisade tissue , but veins is same .

  26. 网状叶脉;网状高速公路体系。

    The reticulate veins of a leaf ; a reticulated highway system .

  27. 枇杷叶尖焦枯病叶脉组织电镜观察初报

    A Preliminary Report on the Histopathologic Observations of Loquat Leaf Parch Blight Disease

  28. 半重瓣明亮的粉红花。深绿色平坦叶,叶脉向上气状突起。大型。

    Semidouble bright pink . Dark green , plain , quilted . Large .

  29. 深绿色白脉叶,叶脉向上气状突起。标准型。

    Dark green , quilted girl foliage . Standard .

  30. 叶脉采样的代表部位为叶片与叶主脉的连接带和采用混合样分析的可行性。

    The sampling part was in the connective zone between midrib and blade .