
tái zī qǐ yè
  • Taiwan funded enterprises;Taiwan-invested enterprise
  1. 薛琦表示,他的另一个工作重点,是鼓励在其它地区上市的外资和台资企业发行台湾存托凭证(taiwandepositaryreceipts)。

    Mr schive said he would also focus on encouraging foreign and Taiwan-owned companies with listings elsewhere to issue Taiwan depositary receipts .

  2. 台资企业最集中的昆山,其经济占昆山GDP的50%、利用外资的60%、工业产值的70%、进出口的80%。

    In Kunshan with the most Taiwan-funded enterprises , their economic value accounts for50 % of the GDP of Kunshan , 60 % of utilized foreign investment , 70 % of value of industrial output and80 % of exports and imports .

  3. 最后,通过对惠州台资企业CoolerMaster进行案例分析,其目的是令大陆台资企业了解人力资源管理中的文化冲突,为此提供了相应的对策。

    Thirdly , the case analysis is carried out for Cooler Master , one Taiwan-funded enterprise in Huizhou with a purpose of letting the Taiwan-funded enterprises in the Mainland know about the cultural conflict in human resources management and corresponding countermeasures are provided for this .

  4. 例如DELL、惠普、联想和沃尔玛纷纷实施了敏捷化供应链管理,由于如台资企业等的低成本优势,跨国企业多用ODM/OEM/CM形式进行外包模式产品生产。

    For example , DELL , HP , Lenovo , Wal-Mart have to implement an agile supply chain management , low-cost advantage because Taiwan-funded enterprises , multinational multi ODM / OEM / CM form of outsourcing model production .

  5. 台资企业管理文化及其启示

    Corporate Management Culture of Taiwanese - funded Enterprises and Its Revelation

  6. 提升广东台资企业竞争力的战略分析研究

    A Strategic Study of Competitiveness Promotion of Taiwan Companies in Chinese Mainland

  7. 成都市改善台资企业投资软环境对策研究

    The Countermeasure Research on the Investment Environment for Taiwanese Enterprises in Chengdu

  8. 试析台资企业在广东的投资活动

    An Analysis of Taiwan Enterprise 's Investment in Guangdong

  9. 我们将对台资企业继续实行国民待遇。

    The Taiwan-invested businesses on the mainland will continue to enjoy national treatment .

  10. 台资企业在福建开发茶叶的现状与特点

    The current status and feature of Taiwanese enterprises in developing Fujian tea production

  11. 台资企业融资偏好与两岸金融机构合作

    Financing preference of Taiwan enterprises and Cross-strait financial cooperation

  12. 可以在A股市场和B股市场放开台资企业上市融资的限制;

    The financing restrictions on them in A-and B-stock markets should be lifted .

  13. 大陆台资企业的区域集群与竞争优势研究

    Probe into Regional Cluster and Competitive Advantage of Taiwanese Enterprises in Chinese Mainland

  14. 企业社会工作发展的现实需要和基本目标&以苏州某台资企业员工为案例

    The Practical Needs and Basic Goals of the Development of Corporate Social Work

  15. 投资环境对台资企业投资区域选择的影响是通过影响企业绩效来实现的。

    Secondly , the impact on investment location choice is affected by enterprise performance .

  16. 政策是推动台资企业发展的重要方面。

    The policy is an important aspect to promote the development of Taiwan-funded enterprises .

  17. 台资企业管理人员本土化研究

    The Capital Business Management Personnel Localization Studies

  18. 大陆投资环境对台资企业投资区域选择的影响

    The Impact from Investment Climate in Mainland to the Investment Location Choice of Taiwan Enterprises

  19. 在已开业的台资企业中,九成以上盈利。

    Among Taiwanese investment enterprises that are operating , more than 90 % are profitable .

  20. 高职院校与台资企业订单式人才培养方案的实施

    The Practice of Order-orientated Model of Personnal Culture between Higher Vocational Colleges and Taiwan-owned Enterprises

  21. 中国大陆的台资企业人力资源管理的特色

    The Characteristic of the Human Resource Management of Taiwanese Investment Enterprises in Chinese Mainland Business Data

  22. 台资企业投资区域分布的特点和趋势是各种因素共同作用的结果。

    The characteristics and trends of Taiwan enterprises investment location choice are affected by various factors .

  23. 台资企业群聚模式研究

    Clustering Model Among the Taiwan-Capital Enterprises

  24. 地方政府最终迫使这家台资企业补缴工人的社保费。

    Local government officials eventually forced the Taiwanese company to top up the workers ' pension funds .

  25. 创业板市场推出对大陆台资企业的影响及对策研究

    Research on the Influence of the Launch of the GEM to Taiwanese Enterprises in Mainland and its Countermeasures

  26. 本源兴是具有40年专业从事制造,销售包装机械及材料的台资企业。

    BENISON Company is a40 professional engaged in the manufacture and sale of packaging machinery and materials to Taiwan-funded enterprises .

  27. 其后,进一步研究台资企业交叉文化沟通管理、交叉文化领导模式与风格;

    The author also carried out a further investigation on staff communication in inter-culture management , leadership role and style .

  28. 结果,在过去的6年内,接近60家台资企业在香港上市。

    As a result , close to 60 Taiwanese-owned companies have listed in Hong Kong over the past six years .

  29. 本文考察的是汕头地区纺织行业的台资企业网络结构及其内部组成。

    This text investigates the network structure and it 's inside composing of Taiwan-owned enterprises of the textile industry in Shantou .

  30. 香港目前正在努力保持其作为大中华区主要融资中心的地位,而大陆台资企业的这一趋势增加了香港所面临的挑战。

    The trend adds to the challenges Hong Kong faces in maintaining its role as the main funding Centre for Greater China .