
  • 网络Gurgaon
  1. 位于新德里卫星城古尔冈的Jabong最近也募集了1亿美元,投资的财团里包括德国的科技创业孵化公司RocketInternet。

    Jabong , which is based in Gurgaon outside New Delhi , recently raised $ 100 million from a consortium of investors including the German tech incubator Rocket Internet .

  2. 37岁的创业酒店顾问贾扬•辛格在这里如鱼得水。他在古尔冈成立了服务业咨询公司&国际饭店合伙公司(InternationalHospitalityPartners)。

    The city is the perfect market for37-year old Jayant Singh , an entrepreneurial hotel consultant who launched International Hospitality Partners , a service-industry consultancy in Gurgaon .

  3. 一份销售文件显示,2008年初,SkyLight斥资130万美元在新德里市郊古尔冈(Gurgaon)靠近公路交叉口处购置了3.5英亩未开发的土地。

    Early in 2008 , Sky Light bought 3.5 acres of undeveloped land near a highway intersection in the New Delhi suburb of Gurgaon for $ 1.3 million , according to a sales document .

  4. 瓦德拉掌控的另一家公司SkyLightRealty在DLF在古尔冈兴建的综合建筑群Aralias内购买了一套顶层公寓(经纪人估计,这套公寓现在价值500万美元)。

    Another company controlled by Mr. Vadra , Sky Light Realty , acquired a penthouse apartment -- estimated by brokers to now be worth $ 5 million -- in a complex DLF built in Gurgaon called the Aralias .

  5. 尽管印度确实饱受教育水平低下和技能严重匮乏之困,但印度世所闻名的IT优势所处的地理区位也恰好与汽车工业的所在地重合:比如金奈(Chennai),古尔冈(Gurgaon),浦那(Pune)和孟买。

    It is true that India suffers from poor education and a desperate shortage of skills , but it also has well-known strengths in IT in geographical areas that overlap with those of the motor industry : in Chennai , Gurgaon , Pune and Mumbai , for example .

  6. 在印度没有一个地方能像他所建造的古尔冈一样能如此完全的体现这个国家的抱负的。

    Nowhere in India embodies the country 's aspirations as starkly as the town he founded .

  7. 古尔冈的路边被深深的地沟弄的不成样,这的排污系统也逐渐的消失了。

    Gurgaon 's roadsides are disfigured by deep trenches , where the trunk sewer line waits to be laid .

  8. 55岁的加格和他的妻子一起在新德里附近的古尔冈黄金市集选购黄金耳饰。

    R.K.Garg , 50 , and his wife are shopping for gold earrings at the Gold Souk Mall in Gurgaon , close to New Delhi .

  9. 她在一家非政府组织任职,到办公室后取消了会议。她的会议往往会在卫星城古尔冈及城中心举行。

    When she reached her office , where she works for a nongovernmental organization , she canceled meetings that regularly take her to the satellite city of Gurgaon and to central Delhi .

  10. 印度的古尔冈曾经是首都新德里一个默默无闻的郊区,而最近几年,这里已经成为一个商业中心,到处都是正在筹备的新店铺,热火朝天的房地产开发项目,以及新建的高档餐厅。

    In recent years Gurgaon , India once a sleepy suburb of New Delhi has emerged as a business center in its own right , bustling with corporations setting up shop , ambitious real estate developments , and new upscale restaurants .