
  • 网络lax finals
  1. 武陟方言的子变韵比较成系统,而且与基本韵母的对应也很整齐。

    Sound changes of suffix Zi is systematic and has a regular correspondence with the basic finals in Wuzhi dialect in Henan province .

  2. 汉语方言的变声、变韵、变调,以及轻声、儿化及其他小称音变等,可统称为语流音变。

    The mutation of the Chinese dialect includes the change of the initial or the final of a syllable and the tones in different language environments .

  3. 文学史研究者一般都视句句韵变隔句韵为中古七言体式转型的标志,本文进一步探讨了七古在杂言诗催化之下由句句韵变为隔句韵的背景和原因。

    The change from rhyming every line to every other lines generally viewed as the symbol of the style transformation of mid-ancient seven-character poems .

  4. 小称变调体现在后字上,平声变高升调35,仄声变高降调51,逢入声还要变韵,共6类。

    The diminutives sandhi lies in the last word , leval tone changes into high-rising tone 35 , and oblique tones change into high-falling tone 51 , in case of checked tone , it will change into lax tone , and there are 6 categories altogether .