
  • 网络change agent
  1. 但事实是它们是一种重要的变革推动者,正在改变一切事物的游戏规则&从药品发明、农业、通信、媒体到娱乐等各个领域。

    But the fact that they are a significant change agent that is changing the rules of the game for everything from drug discovery , agriculture , communications , media and entertainment .

  2. 32岁的松本圭介认为,寺庙应该成为管理咨询师彼得德鲁克(PeterDrucker)所称的变革推动者,为人们提供一个可以实现心灵觉醒的地方。

    The 32-year-old believes temples should be what Peter Drucker , the management consultant , called change agents , offering people a place where they can achieve their spiritual awakening .

  3. 愿意抓住这次机会进入该领域成为变革推动者的工作人员!

    Staff members who are willing to take a chance and enter this arena and be change agents !

  4. 一些人在质疑,这个当年作为变革推动者入主白宫的人是否已经被华盛顿的行事方式所改变。

    Some are questioning if the man who sailed into the Oval Office as an agent of change has instead been changed by the ways of Washington .

  5. 变革推动者、社会创新者、解决问题者、思想领袖,这些都是商学院老师、学生、以及他们潜在的雇主不断提及的字眼。

    Change agents , social innovators , problem solvers , thought leaders the jargon is used endlessly in a business school context by teachers , their students and prospective employers .

  6. 在许多社会中,年轻人将自己看成是高度活跃的分子,是变革的推动者和世界的塑造者。

    In many societies young men regard themselves as highly active , the agents of change , shapers of the world .

  7. 颁奖典礼上出现通常是有关变革的推动者,在该行业:Billboard杂志定期观察飙升的艺术家或团体的音乐专辑销售后获得格莱美奖。

    Awardshows appear generally to be relevant agents of change in the industry : Billboard Magazine regularly observes a spike in an artist 's or group'salbum sales after winning a Grammy Award .

  8. 洛基(Loki)和阿南西(Anansi)这类民间故事中的人物是变革的推动者,但他们也令人不安、让人害怕、甚至古怪狰狞。

    Folkloric figures like Loki and Anansi are the agents of change , but they are also unsettling , frightening , even grotesque .

  9. 青年不仅是社会变革的推动者,也是重要的建设力量。

    The young people are not only the promoter , but the construction strength of our society .

  10. 我坚信,妇女作为家庭和社区中变革的推动者以及作为所有领域的领导人,掌握着改善健康的控制权。

    I strongly believe that women hold the key to improving health , as agents of change in the family and in the community , and as leaders in all areas .

  11. 西雅图市议员萨利•克拉克是此次语言变革的推动者之一,他表示:有些人也许会说语言变革并不重要,没必要费这么多精力更换这些语言。

    Some people would say ' oh , it 's not a big thing , do you really have to go through the process of changing the language , ' said Seattle Councilmember Sally Clark who was one of the catalysts for the change .

  12. 要完善传媒功能、治理社会风险,根本的出路在于制度创新,在于对公平正义的追求,传媒要做政治变革的推动者、社会关系的协调者、司法公正的监督者、先进文化的倡导者。

    To improve their function , social risk management , the fundamental solution lies in institutional innovation is the pursuit of fairness and justice ; the media do the agents of political change , community relations coordinator , supervisor of justice , the advocates of advanced culture .

  13. 因此,敏捷宣言发起者可以看作是引发文化变革过程的推动者。

    Thus , the originators of the Agile Manifesto can be viewed as change agents who triggered a process of cultural change .

  14. 他们需要了解公共政策对商业进程的影响、这两者又是如何相互影响,以及企业如何能够成为社会变革的主要推动者。

    They need to understand the impact of public policy on the course of business and how they shape one another , as well as how businesses can be a significant agent for change in society .