
  • 网络tragedy of anticommons;the tragedy of anti-commons;tragedy of the anticommons
  1. 经济学者认为,若过多所有人对于同一资源拥有排他权,则无人可有效运用此资源,成为“反公地悲剧”。

    In the " tragedy of anticommons ", each of multiple owners has the right to exclude others from a resource and this lead to the underused resource , since none of the owners can use the whole resource .

  2. 从公地悲剧到反公地悲剧

    From the Tragedy of Commons to the Tragedy of Anti - Commons

  3. 本文分析了专利药品“反公地悲剧”的成因,并探讨了解决这一问题的两种途径。

    The reasons for which the tragedy happens and the solutions for this problem are analyzed .

  4. 对于消解地理标志的公地悲剧与反公地悲剧现象,分别提出了相应的举措。

    Regarding to resolve the " tragedy of commons " and " tragedy of anti-commons " phenomena of geographical indications , it proposed the corresponding actions separately .

  5. 目前我国正在进行并日益深化的经济体制改革,很多领域都由于产权的支离破碎而带有明显的公地特性,也因此产生了大量的反公地悲剧。

    Along with the increasingly deepening of our economic system reform at present , most fields posses apparent characteristics of commons because of the tearing to piece of the property rights and thus result in the tragedy of anti - commons .

  6. 对于反公地悲剧,则提出:整合产权,明确集体专有权的主体;建立适度的监管体系,加强企业对地理标志的重视。

    Regarding to " tragedy of anti-commons ", then proposed : make the property right conformity , clear about the main body of the collective exclusive rights ; establish a moderate supervision system , avoiding the appearance of " seeking " phenomenon .

  7. 本文在反公地悲剧的研究范式下,通过对家庭联产承包责任制的权利结构的剖析以及相关模型的建立和计算,对我国现阶段农业用地的流转问题进行了分析。

    This paper analyzed the circulation problem of agricultural land in China through the dissecting of rights structure on the household contract responsibility system and the establishment and calculation of the related model directed by the research paradigm of the tragedy of the anti-commons .

  8. 由于我国对于地理标志保护的历史比较短,在法律规定和管理方式上都存在着很多问题,产生了众多公地悲剧与反公地悲剧现象。

    Since the history of geographical indications ' protecting of our country is quite short , with many problems on the legal regulations and the management style , lots of phenomena of " tragedy of commons " and " tragedy of anti-commons " have come up .

  9. 希望能够通过这些措施的落实解决导致公地悲剧与反公地悲剧发生的种种产权和法律制度等方面的问题,避免悲剧的发生,进一步促进地理标志的发展。

    We hope it can solve all sorts of questions and so on occurs on " tragedy of commons " and " tragedy of anti-commons " after these measures carry out , avoiding the occurrence of any tragedy and further promote the development of geographical indications .