
  • 网络bireflectance
  1. 双反射薄膜的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of bireflectance film

  2. 利用双反射效应制做腔镜并在横向磁场作用下可使He-Ne激光腔输出双频激光,称为双反射膜双频激光器。

    By fabricating the mirrors of cavity with the effect of bireflectance , the He-Ne laser in transverse magnetic field can output dual-frequency laser and it is called bireflectance dual-frequency laser ( BDL ) .

  3. 双反射膜双频He-Ne激光器双频特性及偏振特性的实验研究

    The experimental study of properties of the dual-frequency and the polarization of the bi-reflectance dual-frequency laser

  4. 以X小型遥控光电经纬仪为背景,研究了双反射镜式光电经纬仪的总体设计。

    The overall design of the double reflector optical - electronic theodolite is studied on the background of " the X small remote - control optical - electronic theodolite " .

  5. 主要研究内容和成果综述如下:在微Schwarzschild物镜系统的设计方面,首先通过对不同结构的双反射镜系统的分析,提出了适合MEMS工艺制作的双反射镜系统结构。

    The main contents and results are summarized as follows : A micro-Schwarzschild objective design is proposed for MEMS fabrication by the discussion on various two-mirror configurations .

  6. 采用双反射镜构成开放式谐振腔的奥罗管(Orotron),是一种有效的毫米波和亚毫米波真空电子学辐射源。

    Orotron using two mirrors to form opening cavity is an effective vacuum electronic device in millimeter and submillimeter wave bands .

  7. 为改善星载天线的扫描特性,应用射线追踪的方法,利用优化的方法对单反射面天线和SFOC双反射面天线进行了面赋形设计。

    To improve the scanning properties of the satellite antenna , the method of ray tracing and the idea of optimization are used to shape the reflector ( s ) of the single reflector antenna and the SFOC dual-reflector antenna .

  8. 射线法在毫米波扫描双反射面天线中的应用

    Application of Ray Method to MM wave Scan Dual reflector Antenna

  9. 双反射与反射多色性在空气中或油中均未见到。

    Bireflectance and pleochrism : not observed in air or oil .

  10. 中国早期对西方双反射八分仪的介绍和研究

    Early Introduction and Studies on the Western Double Reflecting Octant in China

  11. 不同遮拦比的双反射光学系统的研究

    Study of Different Obstruction Ratio in Double Reflection Optical System

  12. 双反射镜式光电经纬仪的定标研究

    The calibration system research of double reflector optical electronic theodolite

  13. 双反射峰光纤布拉格光栅调谐与传感研究

    Study on tuning and sensing of dual reflecting peak fiber Bragg grating

  14. 相控馈电双反射面天线辐射特性的研究

    Study on Radiation Property of Dual Reflector Antenna Fed by Phased Array

  15. 可形成聚焦波束的双反射面天线仿真设计方法

    Simulating Design Method for Dual-Reflector Antenna forming Focus Beam

  16. 共轴双反射光学天线系统的优化设计

    The optimum design of coaxial bi-reflective optical antenna systems

  17. 双反射面形成光驻波场的研究

    Study on Light Standing-wave Field Caused by Two Reflectors

  18. 高效双反射面天线的一种新设计

    A New Design For a High Efficient Cassegrainian Antenna

  19. 双反射面天线结构副反射面形状优化设计

    Shape Optimization of Subreflector for the Dual-Reflector Antennas

  20. 用于双反射镜光学系统自动调焦装置的设计和应用

    The design and application of an automatic focusing device for the two-mirror optical system

  21. 轴对称双反射面地面站天线旁瓣的控制

    Radiation-Pattern Control of Symmetrical Dual - Reflector Antennas

  22. 宽角扫描双反射面天线的方向图分析

    Pattern analysis of dual-reflector antennas under wide-angle scanning

  23. 双反射镜式激光结构光视觉传感器研究新型模式滤光光纤化学传感器的研究

    Study on Double-Reflector Laser Sensor Study on Novel Mode-Filtered Light Optical Fiber Chemical Sensor

  24. 双反射面天线表面形状预优设计

    Precondition Design of a Double Reflector Antenna Surface

  25. 谐振式微光学陀螺环形谐振腔外双反射点模型分析

    Analysis on Two-Reflection-Dots Model outside Resonator of R-MOG

  26. 双反射面天线副面改形的改进设计

    Advanced Design Method for Improving the Shape of Sub-Reflector of the Dual Reflector Antenna

  27. 大口径双反射面天线反射体成型工艺研究

    Study of large double reflected antenna surface

  28. 一个典型的双反射面天线效率大约与16个因子有关。本文从理论上分析了正馈和偏馈对天线效率影响的各种因素。

    The antenna efficiency is related to sixteen factors for a typical double reflector antenna .

  29. 基于侧边抛磨光纤光栅双反射峰的折射率传感器

    Optical Fiber Refractive Sensor with Double Reflective Wavelengths Based on Side Polished Fiber Bragg Grating

  30. 修正双反射面天线的理论评述

    Theory of Modified Dual Reflector Antenna-A Review