
hòu bì bāo zǐ
  • chlamydospore
  1. 组织病理检查(PAS染色)示,表皮及真皮浅层可见厚壁孢子,直径8~12μm,内有数量不等的内孢子。

    Histopathology and PAS stain revealed chlamydospores in the epidermis and superficial dermis , the spores were 8-12 μ m in the diameter , and there were some endospores within the chlamydospores .

  2. 脓液涂片直接镜检见大量圆球形、折光明显的厚壁孢子。

    Microscopic examination of the liquor matter found lots of round chlamydospores .

  3. 显色培养基结合厚壁孢子实验的应用价值

    Application of Chromogenic Medium Combined with Chlamydospores ' Test

  4. 直接镜检和组织病理见棕色厚壁孢子,培养证实病原菌为卡氏支孢霉。

    Direct examination and histopathology revealed brown spores .

  5. 结果表明,高压均质法最适合于雨生红球藻厚壁孢子的破碎和虾青素的提取。

    The results showed that high-pressure homogenization treatment was most suitable to disrupt cell wall and extract astaxanthin .

  6. 在实验家兔的皮损刮屑中可见菌丝及类似厚壁孢子的肿胀细胞。

    Hyphae and swollen cells resembling chlamydospores were observed in the scrapings of skin lesion of the experimental infection of the rabbit .

  7. 表型比较的方法相对简便易行,可以从芽管、菌落形态及厚壁孢子、产色、荧光、温度、酶活性、碳源同化、红外光谱等多个方面进行鉴别;

    The methods based on phenotypic difference are simple and easy , and the differentiating phenotypes include germ tube formation , colonial morphology , chlamydospore formation , color and fluorescence formation , growth temperature , enzyme activity , carbon source assimilation and infrared spectrum , etc.