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  • compression
  1. 分析了正常情况下受轴向压缩力、折弯力、扭转力作用下,个性化解剖型接骨板的应力分布和传导。

    The stress distribution and conduction of personalized anatomical plate were analyzed under normal circumstances in conditions of the axial compression strength , bending strength and reverse forces .

  2. 根据试验结果,建立了压缩力与压缩密度的数学模型,确定了喂入量对压缩力、压缩密度、压缩功的影响规律,为新鲜草物料压缩工程优化设计提供基础依据;

    Based on the data of experiment , a mathematical model in term of the relationship between compression pressure and density is established and the law for the feeding rate to exert influence on the compression pressure , compressed density and the power consumption is acquired .

  3. 有压缩力的C形板层角膜移植术:一种治疗周边角膜变性后严重散光的手术方法

    Compressive C - shaped lamellar keratoplasty : A surgical alternative for the management of severe astigmatism from peripheral corneal degeneration

  4. 金属推块V-带型CVT的研究Ⅱ&金属推块和环拉伸之间的压缩力

    A Study of a Metal pushing V Belt Type CVT & art ⅱ: Compression Force Between Metal Blocks and Ring Tension

  5. OVX组HYP变化与L5弹性模量、抗压强度及最大压缩力变化有直线相关性。

    There was linear correlation between the HYP and the max condensing force , Young 's modulus and crushing strength in the OVX group .

  6. 其优点是同时可以炼压缩力和拉力;

    The advantage of refining at the same time compression and tension ;

  7. 饲草料压捆机最大压缩力的分析研究

    Analysis of the Maximum Pressure of the Forage Baler

  8. 力与位移曲线可计算出最大压缩力及刚度。

    The failure load and stiffness at each site were determined from the load-displacement curves .

  9. 压缩力沿着周长均匀作用,使得阀门能够实现双向紧密关闭。

    The compression forces equally distributed around the perimeter provide a tight bi-directional shut off .

  10. 蛋糕中添加1%的亚麻籽胶后,产品的压缩力下降了66%。

    The compressing force was down 66 % when adding 1 % linseed gum in the cakes .

  11. 两个类似的性能分别是与压缩力和剪切力有关的压缩强度和剪切强度。

    Two similar properties are compressive strength and shear strength , related to compressive forces and shear forces respectively .

  12. 一定时间之后,压缩力基本保持在一个稳定值。

    The results showed that the pressure grew up quickly in the rapid cooling period and then kept on a steady value .

  13. 它有相对较高的压缩力,但拉伸度较差,也就是说,它抗压力好,抗拉力强度。

    It has relatively high compressive strength but poor tensile strength , meaning it resists pushing forces well , but not pulling forces .

  14. 本质上,电泡是铁电薄膜中电畴所承受的压缩力与扩张力稳定平衡的结果,是电畴的一种稳定结构。

    Radically , electronic bubble is a result of stabilization of electronic domain structure in feroelectronic film bettwen compression force and dilation force .

  15. 通过计算机模拟,得到了喂入量临界值,得出了最大压缩力随喂人量变化的规律。

    Through computer simulating , feeding quantity critical value and the principle in which the maximum pressure change as the feeding quantity changing are obtained .

  16. 结论在冲击压缩力下,桡骨的两端,尤其是远端容易骨折,并与时间有关。

    Conclusion Under impact compression the radius gets fractured easily at both ends , especially at distance section , and the fracture is related to time .

  17. 对于导光板制品,模具温度、熔体温度和注射速度为影响收缩量的主要参数;压缩力是影响翘曲的最主要参数。

    Mold temperature 、 melt temperature and injection speed were the main parameters of the shrinkage ; compress force was the most important parameter of the warpage .

  18. 从实验结果可以作出以下结论:(1)推块压缩力分布在主动带轮上明显不同于从动带轮。

    From the experimental results , the following conclusions were drawn : ( 1 ) Block compression force distribution on the driving pulley is significantly different from that on the driven pulley .

  19. 研究发现,流体剪切力、静态液压力和直接压缩力是体内软骨发育和成熟的重要力学因素,常用软骨生物反应器均据此设计而产生。

    Current bioreactors in use are designed according to fluid shear pressure , hydrostatic pressure and / or direct compression , all of which can promote the development and mature of cartilage in vivo .

  20. 此方法分为两步。首先对各个纤维角(0≤θ≤90°)代表着基本频率、单轴、双轴、压缩力、正、负剪切抵消载荷。

    First , the six eigenvalues are calculated for various fiber angles ( O 0 90 °) by the Ritz method wherein each eigenvalue physically represents the fundamental frequency , uniaxial , biaxial , compression-tension , positive shear and negative shear buckling loads .

  21. 数值模拟结果显示当接触电阻可以忽略时(理想工况)燃料电池输出功率和极限电流都随着封装压缩力的增加而下降,当考虑接触电阻时(真实工况)存在最优封装压力。

    The numerical results show that the fuel cell performance decreases with increasing the compression deformation if the contact resistance is negligible ( ideal condition ), but there exists an optimal compression deformation if the contact resistance is taken into account ( actual condition ) .

  22. 压缩应力下(Tb、Dy)Fe2磁致伸缩的研究

    Magnetostriction of ( Tb 、 Dy ) Fe_2 under Compressive Stress

  23. 国产航空有机玻璃(PMMA)的压缩应力-应变行为研究Ⅰ.试验方法和试验结果


  24. 对材料进行了SEM照片分析,并测试了材料的拉伸和压缩应力应变曲线。

    The cross section of laminates was analysed by SEM and their tensile and compression stress / strain curves were obtained by test .

  25. 泡沫铝压缩应力-应变曲线屈服平台段是光滑的,SiC颗粒的加入增大了基体的脆性,使得屈服平台段出现锯齿状波动。

    Hower , the yield platform of the stress-strain curve appeared jagged fluctuations , because the SiC particles increased the brittleness of the matrix .

  26. DSC和压缩应力应变测试结果表明:合金具有较高的热稳定性和优异的力学性能。

    Differential scanning calorimeter ( DSC ) and mechanism properties results show that the metallic glass is of high thermal stability and compressive strength .

  27. 取L4椎骨进行压缩应力松弛、蠕变实验。

    L4 vertebrae were taken and proceeded telescope , stress relaxation , crept experiment .

  28. 方法在ShimadzuAUTOGRAPH电子万能试验机上对L5椎体松质骨试样进行压缩应力松弛、蠕变实验。

    Methods Make the stress relaxation test and the creep test on them with Shimadzu AUTOGRAPH electronic universal testing machine .

  29. EPE静态压缩应力-应变曲线模拟

    Simulation of Strain-strain Curve for EPE Static Compression

  30. Ce-TZP陶瓷的压缩应力应变特性

    Stress-strain character of Ce-TZP ceramics under compression