
kǎ qí bù
  • khaki cloth
  1. 我两边各有一个穿卡其布服装的人。

    On each side of me was a figure in khaki .

  2. 卡其布适合你吗?

    Does khaki become you ?

  3. 这个职员隔着个小柜台站在一个年少的白人男孩对面。男孩子穿着V字领的套头衫,卡其布裤子和平底便鞋。

    This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater , khakis , and loafers .

  4. 据大阪商业博物馆(Osaka'sEntrepreneurialMuseum)称,大阪还发明了郊区、卡其布、电影院、电动洗衣机、保险,当然最重要的发明要属方便面了。

    According to Osaka 's Entrepreneurial Museum , Osaka invented suburbs , khaki , cinemas , electric washing machines , insurance and , most important , pot noodles .

  5. 在巴黎世家(Balenciaga),我看到了一件卡其布装饰低腰的非对称黑色绉布裙(4350RMB,约合440英镑)。

    At Balenciaga , I saw a black crepe asymmetric skirt with khaki accents around the low-slung waistline ( Rmb4350 , £ 440 ) .

  6. 然而,一些法国评论人士觉得,他这种美国化有点儿过了,嘲笑他去年早些时候和塞西莉亚度假时穿的卡其布短裤、休闲棉衬衫和戴的过时款ray-bans太阳镜。

    Some French commentators , however , feel he has taken this amerification too far , deriding the Khaki Shorts , casual brush cotton shirts , and vintage Ray-Bans he wore while on vacation with Cecilia earlier this year .

  7. 计算机声音:注意一个穿卡其布的发怒的黑人男子。

    Computerized voice : attention angry black man in khakis .

  8. 我更倾向于称它们为“正义的卡其布”

    I prefer to call them " justice khakis . "

  9. 他头上包着卡其布的穆斯林头巾。

    His head was covered with a khaki turban .

  10. 我想要两米双面卡其布。

    I want two meters of reversible khaki .

  11. 三个着黄卡其布短衫的暴徒被击毙,剩余的作鸟兽散。

    After three khaki-shorted AWB thugs were killed , the rest fled in disarray .

  12. 因此我拿走了一条卡其布裤子。

    So I took a pair of khakis .

  13. 法兰西是你的卡其布和裹腿。

    France is your khakis and leggings .

  14. 它的完美补充,牛仔裤,卡其布,货物和短裤。

    It 's the perfect complement to jeans , khakis , cargos , and shorts .

  15. 他不穿西装,喜欢穿亚麻夹克和卡其布长裤,而且不打领带。

    He has abandoned suits in favour of linen jackets and khaki trousers and no tie .

  16. 上周六早晨,我丈夫的一条卡其布的裤腰上的一颗钮扣丢了。

    Last Saturday morning , my husband lost the waistband button on a pair of khakis .

  17. 他戴着方形金丝眼镜,身穿蓝色拉链式绒头织物衫和卡其布裤子,赤着脚。

    He wore khaki pants , a blue fleece zip-up and square wire-rimmed glasses . His feet were bare .

  18. 男士们,你可以穿一条简单的卡其布裤子,一双大码的牛津鞋,打一条枯燥无味的领带。

    Guys , you could wear a simple pair of khakis , an oversized oxford and a boring tie .

  19. 如果其他人都穿卡其布装和凉鞋,你最好不要穿商务套装。

    Don 't sweat it out in business suits and shoes if everyone else is wearing khaki and sandals .

  20. 卡其布或金属的小山羊皮裁制手提包都很衬你哦。

    Khaki tote bags and metallic suede clutch bags appeal to you , since you want your accessories to be as eclectic as you are .

  21. 监狱发言人丽莎兰姆说,维克逃走的时候,可能只穿了监狱发的卡其布裤子外加衬衫和夹克。

    Department of Corrections spokeswoman Lisa Lamb says Vick would have been dressed in prison-issued khaki pants , a shirt and a jacket when he escaped .

  22. 他穿着卡其布的衬衫和外套,衣服烫得很平整,但没有浆过,他手上拿着磨得发光的工作簿。

    I scorched the shirt with the iron . He wore khaki slacks and a khaki shirt , neatly pressed but without starch , and polished work books .

  23. 别克是个饱经风霜的高个子,他身着红色的狩猎服和卡其布的裤子,我去五金货架时从他身边经过,向他点了点头。

    Buck was a tall , weathered man in a red hunting shirt and khaki pants , and I nodded as I passed him on my way to the hardware aisle .

  24. 据发言人彭萨帕特?彭查罗恩介绍,泰国国家警察局长舍里披素?德米亚威提议将目前的警察制服换成更为轻便的短袖卡其布制服,这样在街头执勤的警察就能凉快得多了。

    Thailand may allow its police officers to cool off by wearing a new short-sleeve uniform , a move they hope will also help save energy at police stations , a spokesman said Saturday .

  25. 你不是你的工作,你不是你银行里的存款,你也不是你所开的车,你不是你钱包里的东西,你也不是你该死的卡其布。

    You are not your job , you 're not how much money you have in the bank , you 're not the car you drive , you 're not the contents of your wallet , you 're not your Fvcking khakis .

  26. 我出生的时候,爸爸在洛杉矶到处闲逛,是个典型的好莱坞预科生模样,穿T恤衫,卡其布裤子,破旧的帆布鞋磨破了,漏出了脚趾头,他就用自己画的画遮住,相机挂在脖子上。

    When I was born , my dad had meandered through L.A. a classic Hollywood preppy , clad in T-shirts and khakis with his sneakers worn through at the toes , often covered in paint from the art he was making , camera slung around his neck .