
  • 网络Nangang;Nankang;SOUTH;southport
  1. 福州闽江南港河道为规划的国家IV级航道。

    The channel of Fuzhou Min River South Harbor is a planned national 4th-class channel .

  2. 盐水入侵下长江口南港水域COD和营养盐分布下水管道将污物排入大海。

    Distributions of COD and nutrients in South Channel of Changjiang Estuary under saltwater intrusion The sewers discharge into the sea .

  3. 基于GIS和RS长江口南港冲淤变化的可视化分析

    Visualization Analysis of Deposition and Erosion in the South Channel in the Yangtze Estuary Based on GIS and RS

  4. 分析了1958~2005年不同时期长江口南港及南北槽分汊口的河床形态特征,以及河床U形断面与W形断面的相互转化。

    The riverbed form in different periods from 1958 to 2005 of the South Channel and the South-North-Passage bifurcation and the cross-section transformation between U-shape and W-shape are analyzed .

  5. 南港-南槽河段在1973-2003年间整体为淤积,泥沙淤积量为1.39亿m3;

    From 1973 to 2003 , the South Channel-the South passage is generally characterized by deposition , and the total deposition volume is 1.39 × 10 ~ 8m ~ 3 ;

  6. 利用Landsat7ETM+遥感图像反射率和实测水深值之间的相关性,建立了动量BP人工神经网络水深反演模型,并对长江口南港河段水深进行了反演。

    A momentum BP neural network model ( MBPNNM ) was constructed to retrieve the water depth information for the South Channel of the Yangtze River Estuary using the relationship between reflectance derived from Landsat ETM + satellite data and water depth information .

  7. 在枯水期南港与北港的诸浅滩水深不足3.8m,严重影响航运。

    In the dry season the water depth of the shoals in the two waterways are less ( fm 30 N ) than 3 . 8m . which has a influence on the navigation .

  8. 长江口南港河床的演变模式

    On Pattern of River-Bed Evolution of South Passage in Changjiang Estuary

  9. 南港货站水泥仓的北晟重机凸形调车机群。

    The PHM DLs of cement warehouse , Nan-Kang Cargo Station .

  10. 长江口南港泥沙运动的水动力条件

    Hydrodynamic conditions for sediment movement in South Waterway of Yangtze River Estuary

  11. 长江口南港河段咸潮入侵分析

    Analysis of saltwater intrusion at the south channel in the Changjiang Estuary

  12. 长江口南港航道沙波群研究

    A Study of Sandwaves in the South Channel of the Yangtze Estuary

  13. 长江口南港北槽风暴回淤统计模型

    A Statistical Model of Storm-induced Deposition in the North Passage , Yangtze Estuary

  14. 长江口南港及南北槽分汊口河床形态特征研究

    Study on riverbed form of South Channel and South-North-Passage bifurcation in the Yangtze Estuary

  15. 长江口南港水道潮流特征分析

    The Characteristics of Tidal Currents in the Nangang Canal of the Changjiang River Estuary

  16. 长江口南港底沙再悬浮特征及其浓度预测

    Feature and Concentration of Bed-sediment Re-suspension in the South Channel , Yangtze Estuary , China

  17. 一名来自利比亚的男子正在南港海滩的沙滩上散步。

    A man from Libya was enjoying a walk along the sands at Southport beach .

  18. 不同水文组合对长江口南港流场的影响

    Influence of Different Hydrologic Combination to the Tidal Current in the South Passage , Yangtze Estuary

  19. 刘秀成议员就兴建西港岛线及南港岛线的计划提出质询。

    Hon LAU Sau-shing raised a question on proposals to build the MTR Island West and South lines .

  20. 闽江下游南港水源地状况及保护对策

    The Current Status of South Branch Water Resource of Lower Reaches of Min River and the Protection Countermeasures

  21. 长江口南港底沙输移及其对南、北槽分汊口的影响

    Bed-load movement in the south channel and its effect on the south and north passages in the Yangtze Estuary

  22. 长江口南港河段洪季水质底质综合评价

    Comprehensive Assessment on Water Quality and Sedimentary Quality in the River Part of Nangang in the Yangtze Estuary in Flood Season

  23. 结婚仪式在彼格雷·沃特斯安立甘宗教堂举行,然后他们在南港皇家文学社棕榈厅举行了婚宴。

    The marriage took place in the Anglican Church , Biggera Waters with the reception held in Southport RSL 's Palm Lounge .

  24. 研究结果表明,本河段盐水来自北支、北港和南港。

    The results showed that three sources of saltwater intrusion were from the North Branch , the South Channel and the North Channel .

  25. 河道冲淤变化对分流分沙比的影响长江口南港北槽具有稳定的分流比和相对较小的分沙比。

    The regime of the north channel in the Yangtze Estuary is excellent with a stable discharge ratio and a relatively small sand ratio .

  26. 长江口南港河段流场受径流、潮流、地形及风浪的影响,相当复杂。

    The tidal current in the South Passage , Yangtze Estuary is complex under the effect of runoff , tide , topography and wave , etc.

  27. 长江河口南港枯季沙波对安全航行的影响研究

    Estimated Effect of Bed Sediments and Sand Waves During Dry Season on the Safe Nautical Depth in the South Channel of the Changjiang River Estuary

  28. 北港河床下切,南港枯水期断流,影响水厂取水和引水工程建设。

    The riverbed undercut at the north harbor and the water interception at the south harbor during dry seasons affect the construction of water intake and diversion projects .

  29. 华南海上丝绸之路始发港,据《汉书》记载111BC有日南港、徐闻港和合浦港。

    A Chinese ancient book reported that in111BC , the set sail ports of the maritime silk route of South China included Rinan port , Xuwen port and Hepu port .

  30. 基于1997年、2002年、2006年枯季长江河口南港床面形态的现场观测,分析沙波发育对水深的影响。

    Bed sediments , sand waves and current velocities and directions were measured during the dry season in 1997,2002 and 2006 in the South Channel of the Changjiang River Estuary .