
  • 网络an Antarctic expedition;antarctic exploration;South Pole expeditions
  1. 20世纪40年代,人们对于南极探险的狂热近乎白热化。

    By the 1940s , Antarctic exploration mania was reaching a fever pitch .

  2. 在南极探险时代中,有一些人曾经离那些宇航员所获得殊荣非常之近,其中之一没准是纪录的真正保持者。

    During the period of Antarctic exploration , a few people have come close to beating the astronauts , and it 's possible one of them actually holds the record .

  3. 他们到南极探险去了。

    They have gone on an expedition to the antarctic .

  4. 该巡航车由患有肺病的南极探险老将托马斯·C·普尔特博士设计,作为标志着南极勘探技术实现新飞跃的里程碑,它当之无愧。

    Designed by Dr. Thomas C. Poulter , an Antarctic veteran with the lung damage to prove it , the Cruiser was supposed to be the epitome of exploration technology .

  5. 英国探险家沙克尔顿,是英国皇家南极探险队领队。

    British explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton was the leader of the British Imperial trans-Antarctic expedition .

  6. 去南极探险,当然要穿保暖性强的羽绒服。

    To explore the South Pole , it is of course necessary for the explorers to wear down jackets which have good heat preservation .

  7. 在20世纪初十多年的南极探险中,阿蒙森上校、斯科特上校和沙克尔顿爵士都身穿巴宝莉服装,并曾在巴宝莉帐篷中藏身避难。

    Captain Roald Amundsen , Captain R.F.Scott , and Sir Ernest Shackleton wore Burberry clothing and took shelter in Burberry tents on their expeditions to the South Pole in the1910s .

  8. “运气一直在我们身边,这是南极探险历史中的一个伟大的事件,”托尼·斯图尔特博士在新年第一天际遇这个发现之后说。

    " Luck has been on our side and it 's been a great episode in the history of Antarctic aviation ," said Dr Tony Stewart , leader of the current expedition , after the chance discovery on New Year 's day .

  9. 到南极的探险队,已经延后出发的时间。

    The expedition has postponed its departure to the Antarctic .

  10. 二战后美国对南极进行探险的历史背景。

    The history background of American exploration to Antarctica after World War ⅱ .

  11. 南极的探险是由普特利姆首先进行的。

    Antarctic exploration begins with ptolemy .

  12. 一次八天的旅行花费46000英镑,极点探索家帕特里克和他的公司白色荒漠带领富有的客户进行南极洲和南极点的探险之旅。

    For 46,000 for an eight-day trip , polar explorer Patrick takes wealthy clients on luxury safaris to Antarctica and the South Pole with his company White Desert .

  13. 然后,手拿着地图,我们再来看这位法国航海家所做的工作,他的环球航行,他到南极的两次探险,使他发见阿米利和路易·非力两个地方,以及他对于大洋洲主要岛屿所做的水道学的记载资料。

    Then , chart in hand , we returned to the deeds of the French navigator : his voyages to circumnavigate the globe , his double attempt at the South Pole , which led to his discovery of the Ad é lie Coast and the Louis-Philippe Peninsula , finally his hydrographic surveys of the chief islands in Oceania .

  14. 而在迎接死神的那一天,斯科特说起此次南极之旅,来南极探险,比待在舒舒服服的家里要美好得多。

    The day of his death , Scott said of his trip , How much better has it been than lounging in too great comfort at home .

  15. 第二部分阐述美国军事利用南极的政策,分为二个部分进行探讨(一)美国在南极的军事活动。包括美国对南极进行的探险活动跳高行动,风车行动,和深冻行动Ⅰ。

    Nalyzing policy that America utilize Antarctica militarily : ( 1 ) American military activities in Antarctica , including Highjump Operation , Windmill Operation , and Freeze Operation ⅰ .