
  • 网络Nanzhao County
  1. 河南省南召县1999~2001年儿童死亡原因分析

    Analysis on Children Death Causes during 1999 ~ 2001 in Nanzhao County

  2. 河南省南召县1997~1999年老年人死亡原因分析

    Causal analysis of death among old people during 1997 ~ 1999 in Nanzhao county of Henan province

  3. 原因分布结果表明:自杀为南召县居民意外死亡的首位原因,车祸为第2位,外伤为第3位,第4位为中毒。

    The result of the cause analysis showed that suicide was the first unintentional death cause .

  4. 河南南召县农民高血压病血清胆固醇及高密度脂蛋白病例对照研究

    A case control study of the relation between serum cholesterol and high density lipoprotein in the peasants with essential hypertension in Nanzhao County , Henan

  5. 秋季低温对南召县水稻生产的影响主要是显著降低结实率和产量。

    The major affect on the rice production in Nanzhao county caused by the autumn low temperature is significant reduction of the seed rate and output .

  6. 结果南召县3年意外死亡154人,死亡率为54.31/10万,占死亡总数的8.4%,为死因顺位的第5位。

    Results : During 1997-1999 , the unintentional death was 154 , the death rate was 54.31 / 100, 000.The percent was 8.4 % . It was the fifth death cause .

  7. 接着论述了农户联保贷款在我国的实践,以河南省南召县扶贫经济合作社、江西省玉山县农村信用合作社、九江银行为案例,分别进行分析研究。

    Then discoursed the practice of Peasant Peer-selection loan in China , took economic cooperation of poverty alleviation of Nanzhao in Henan Province , rural credit cooperation of Yushan in Jiangxi Province and Bank of Jiujiang for example to analyzed them separately .