
dān dú chuán dònɡ
  • Separate transmission;direct gear drive
  1. 单独传动微张力减径机电气传动方案的分析

    Analysis on Electric Drive Plan of the Individual Drive Slight Stretch-Reducing Mill

  2. 张力减径机的主传动系统是由集中差速传动系统和单独传动系统组成的混合传动系统。

    The main drive system of stretch reducer is made with differential and single driving system .

  3. 微张力减径机有单独传动(各机架)和集中差速传动两种传动形式。

    Two drive types are used for the slight-stretch reducing mill , namely the individual drive ( for each individual roll stand ) and the centralized differential drive .

  4. 根据张力减径的管端增厚控制原理,运用最小二乘法和三次插值法,分别建立了适用于集中传动、单独传动、混合传动的管端增厚设定计算模型,对其实际计算结果进行了分析。

    Based on the principle of pipe end upset control , the setting calculation models of pipe end upset are set up respectively suitable for group drive , individual drive and combined drive , with minimum dual-multiple and tri-interpolation method .